Automatic differentiation


The implementation of new models and all their required derivatives can be an endeavours and error-prone task. A tool that helps with this, at a small performance cost, can be automatic differentiation.

Automatic differentiation can be implemented in two ways:

  • Forward Differentiation
  • Backward Differentiation

With can be combined to obtain higher order derivatives.

In yaeos it is possible to add new models via two different kind of implementations. Operator overloading with hyperdual numbers and source-to-source automatic differentiation with tapenade.

@warn Remember to use the Rconstant from yaeos__constants, and all models should have a type(Substances) attribute! @endwarn

Hyperdual autodiff


Automatic differentiation with hyperdual numbers can be done with the ArModelAdiff derived type. This implementation requires just to extend that derived type with your own implementation and a volume initializer.

module hyperdual_pr76
   use yaeos__adiff_hyperdual_ar_api, only: ArModelAdiff
   use yaeos__constants, only: pr, R
   use yaeos__substance, only: Substances
   implicit none

   type, extends(ArModelAdiff) :: PR76
      !! PengRobinson 76 EoS

      ! Mixing rule Parameters
      real(pr), allocatable :: kij(:, :), lij(:, :)

      ! EoS parameters
      real(pr), allocatable :: ac(:), b(:), k(:)
      real(pr), allocatable :: tc(:), pc(:), w(:)
      procedure :: Ar => arfun
      procedure :: get_v0 => v0
      procedure :: volume => volume
   end type PR76

   real(pr), parameter :: del1 = 1._pr + sqrt(2._pr)
   real(pr), parameter :: del2 = 1._pr - sqrt(2._pr)


    type(PR76) function setup(tc, pc, w, kij, lij) result(self)
        !! Function to obtain a defined PR76 model with setted up parameters
        !! as function of Tc, Pc, and w
        real(pr) :: tc(:)
        real(pr) :: pc(:)
        real(pr) :: w(:)
        real(pr) :: kij(:, :)
        real(pr) :: lij(:, :)

        self%composition%tc = tc
        self%composition%pc = pc
        self%composition%w = w

        self%ac = 0.45723553_pr * R**2 * tc**2 / pc
        self%b = 0.07779607_pr * R * tc_in/pc_in
        self%k = 0.37464_pr + 1.54226_pr * w - 0.26993_pr * w**2

        self%kij = kij
        self%lij = lij
    end function

    function arfun(self, n, v, t) result(ar)
        !! Residual Helmholtz calculation for a generic cubic with
        !! quadratic mixing rules.
        class(PR76) :: self
        type(hyperdual), intent(in) :: n(:), v, t
        type(hyperdual) :: ar

        type(hyperdual) :: amix, a(size(n)), ai(size(n)), n2(size(n))
        type(hyperdual) :: bmix
        type(hyperdual) :: b_v, nij

        integer :: i, j

        ! Associate allows us to keep the later expressions simple.
            pc => self%composition%pc, ac => self%ac, b => self%b, k => self%k,&
            kij => self%kij, lij => self%lij, tc => self%compostion%tc & 

            ! Soave alpha function
            a = 1.0_pr + k * (1.0_pr - sqrt(t/tc))
            a = ac * a ** 2
            ai = sqrt(a)

            ! Quadratic Mixing Rule
            amix = 0.0_pr
            bmix = 0.0_pr

            do i=1,size(n)-1
                do j=i+1,size(n)
                    nij = n(i) * n(j)
                    amix = amix + 2 * nij * (ai(i) * ai(j)) * (1 - kij(i, j))
                    bmix = bmix + nij * (b(i) + b(j)) * (1 - lij(i, j))
                end do
            end do
         end do

         amix = amix + sum(n**2*a)
         bmix = bmix + sum(n**2 * b)

         bmix = bmix/sum(n)

         b_v = bmix/v

         ! Generic Cubic Ar function
         ar = (&
            - sum(n) * log(1.0_pr - b_v) &
            - amix / (R*T*bmix)*1.0_pr / (del1 - del2) &
            * log((1.0_pr + del1 * b_v) / (1.0_pr + del2 * b_v)) &
            ) * (R * T)

      end associate
   end function arfun

   function v0(self, n, p, t)
      !! Initialization of liquid volume solving with covolume. This also
      !! helps the Michelsen volume solver
      class(PR76), intent(in) :: self
      real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:)
      real(pr), intent(in) :: p
      real(pr), intent(in) :: t
      real(pr) :: v0

      v0 = sum(n * self%b) / sum(n)
   end function v0

   subroutine volume(eos, n, P, T, V, root_type)
      !! In the case of models that have a "covolume" value, using the solver
      !! of Michelsen is a better option that the default.
      use yaeos__models_solvers, only: volume_michelsen
      class(PR76), intent(in) :: eos
      real(pr), intent(in)  :: n(:), P, T
      real(pr), intent(out) :: V
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: root_type

      call volume_michelsen(eos, n, P, T, V, root_type)
   end subroutine
end module hyperdual_pr76

Tapenade Adiff

And alternative to hyperdual that takes a bit more work, but can end in a more performant model, is doing tapenade source-to-source differentiation. For this tapenade must be installed and accessible from a terminal donwload link.

tapenade diff

Tapenade is an automatic differentiation tool developed by researchers at INRIA (the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation).

Tapenade is designed to automatically generate derivative code for numerical simulation programs written in Fortran or C. It enables the computation of gradients, Hessians, and other derivatives efficiently, which is particularly useful in fields such as optimization, sensitivity analysis, and scientific computing.

By analyzing the source code of the original program, Tapenade generates code that computes the derivatives of the program’s outputs with respect to its inputs. This capability is crucial in many scientific and engineering applications where the ability to efficiently compute derivatives is essential.

Overall, Tapenade simplifies the process of incorporating automatic differentiation into existing numerical simulation codes, making it a valuable tool for researchers and developers working in computational science and engineering.

How we use it

In yaeos we developed a wrapper object that receives a set of routines from a differentiated module and uses and internal logic to get the desired $A_r$ derivatives.

Obtain a tapenade differentiated EoS

Getting a usable $A_r$ equation of state with tapenade is fairly easy.

  1. Install tapenade and assure that you have the tapenade executable in your PATH.
  2. Setup your new model following the template file. a full implementation of the PengRobinson EoS can be seen at pr.f90 as an example.
  3. Run the script, providing your file as an argument: bash bash <your_model_file.f90> This will generate a new folder tapeout, with your differentiated model inside.
  4. Some little post-process must be done due to some details in the tapenade implementation. These are described in the base template but can also be checked on the differentiated PR76 result after fixing the last details

To add your new tapenade model just include the file in your src folder and use it with

use yaeos, only: ArModel, pressure
use your_module_name, only: setup_model

class(ArModel), allocatable :: model

model = setup_model(<your parameters>)

call pressure(model, n, v, t)