Maybe you’ve heard of Fortran as that old and cryptic language that everyone is afraid of. Well, not anymore! Fortran is really easy to understand and has been updated a lot in the recent decades. There is a fairly direct guide on the fortran-lang site
is a Fortran library intended to be used as a
package, fpm
can be easily easily obtained with
the Python package manager pip
with a simple:
pip install --user fpm
With fpm
installed you can create a new Fortran project by running:
fpm new your_project_name
A new directory with the name of your project will be created.
You include yaeos
in your fpm
project by adding it as a dependency on your
file by adding this:
yaeos = {git=""}
Or maybe you want a specific version:
yaeos = {git="", tag="2.0.0"}
On yaeos
there is a series of models implemented, right now we include
Residual Helmholtz energy models (like Cubic Equations of State), but plan on
extening to a broader variety.
In this example we’ll show how a model in yaeos
can be used. We’ll take the
equation of state as an example, but all the implemented models
can be seen at yaeos__models. Inside your app/main.f90
file use
program main
use yaeos
! Set the variable `model` as a generic `ArModel`
class(ArModel), allocatable :: model
! Set the the variables that we're going to use
! as variable lenght arrays
real(pr), allocatable :: n(:), tc(:), pc(:), w(:)
n = [0.3, 0.7] ! Number of moles of each component
tc = [190, 310] ! Critical temperatures
pc = [14, 30] ! Critical pressures
w = [0.001, 0.03] ! Acentric factors
! Now we set our model as the PengRobinson76
! Equation of state.
model = PengRobinson76(tc, pc, w)
end program
And then it’s all set, now we’ve set the model
variable to use in our
Some thermodynamic properties can be calculated with yaeos
models, and we’re
adding more! In this example we’ll calculate a PV isotherm from our previously
defined model. For the sake of simplicity all the next code blocks are assumed
to be extensions of the previous one, before the end program
pv_isotherm: block
real(pr) :: v, t, p ! Thermodynamic variables
real(pr) :: v0, vf, dv ! End and start volumes
integer :: i, n_points ! iteration variable and how many points to calc
v0 = 0.001
vf = 10
dv = (vf - v0)/n_points
do i=1,n_points
v = v0 + i*dv ! Set new volume point
call model%pressure(n, v, t, p) ! Calculate pressure
print *, v, p
end do
end block pv_isotherm
Also some useful derivatives are available when calculating each property, they can be easily accessed as optional arguments of the routine. For example, to obtain the derivative of pressure with respect to volume the line that calculates pressure should be changed to:
call model%pressure(n, v, t, p, dpdv=dpdv) ! Calculate pressure and dPdV