Derived Types

AlphaFunction yaeos__models_ar_genericcubic None

Abstract derived type that describe the required procedure for an alpha function.

AlphaMathiasCopeman yaeos__models_ar_cubic_alphas AlphaFunction

Mathias Copeman function.

AlphaRKPR yaeos__models_ar_cubic_alphas AlphaFunction

RKPR function

AlphaSoave yaeos__models_ar_cubic_alphas AlphaFunction

Soave function.

ArModel yaeos__models_ar BaseModel

Abstract residual Helmholtz model.

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ArModelAdiff yaeos__adiff_hyperdual_ar_api ArModel
ArModelTapenade yaeos__tapenade_ar_api ArModel
BaseModel yaeos__models_base None

Base model type.

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ContinuationVariable yaeos__math_continuation None
CPSpecs yaeos__equilibria_critical None

Enumerator to handle the possible specifications for a critical point.

CriticalLine yaeos__equilibria_critical None

This derived type is used to store a critical line between two fluids. The critical line is calculated using the critical_line function. It uses the continuation method.

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CriticalPoint yaeos__equilibria_boundaries_phase_envelopes_pt None

Critical point

CriticalPoint yaeos__equilibria_boundaries_phase_envelopes_tx None

Critical point

CriticalPoint yaeos__equilibria_boundaries_phase_envelopes_px None

Critical point

CubicEoS yaeos__models_ar_genericcubic ArModel

Generic Cubic Equation of State as defined by Michelsen and Mollerup with a parameter that is not constant, and a parameter that depends on it. In the case of a two parameter EoS like PengRobinson the is the same for all components so it can be considered as a constant instead of a variable. The expression of the Equation is:

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CubicMixRule yaeos__models_ar_genericcubic None

Abstract derived type that describe the required procedure for a mixing rule on a Cubic EoS

EquilibriumState yaeos__equilibria_equilibrium_state None

Description of a two-phase equilibria state.

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GeGCModelParameters yaeos__models_ge_group_contribution_model_parameters None

group contribution model parameters container

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GeModel yaeos__models_ge BaseModel

Excess Gibbs energy model.

GeModelAdiff yaeos__adiff_hyperdual_ge_api GeModel
GeModelTapenade yaeos__tapenade_ge_api GeModel
Gerg2008 yaeos__models_ar_gerg2008 ArModelAdiff
Gerg2008Binary yaeos__models_ar_multifluid_parameters_gerg2008 None
Gerg2008Pure yaeos__models_ar_multifluid_parameters_gerg2008 None
GERG2008Selector yaeos__models_ar_gerg2008 None
Groups yaeos__models_ge_group_contribution_groups None

Derived type used to represent a molecule and its UNIFAC groups.

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HV yaeos__models_cubic_mixing_rules_huron_vidal CubicMixRule
hyperdual hyperdual_mod None
MHV yaeos__models_cubic_mixing_rules_huron_vidal CubicMixRule

Mixing rule at zero-pressure which allows for the inclusion of an excess-gibbs model.

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NRTL yaeos__models_ge_NRTL GeModelTapenade

Non-Random-Two-Liquid model

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PsiFunction yaeos__models_ge_gc_td None

UNIFAC functions abstract type

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PTEnvel2 yaeos__equilibria_boundaries_phase_envelopes_pt None

Two-phase isopleth. Phase boundary line of a fluid at constant composition.

PTEnvel3 yaeos__equilibria_boundaries_phase_envelopes_pt3 None
PurePsat yaeos__equilibria_boundaries_pure_saturation None
PXEnvel2 yaeos__equilibria_boundaries_phase_envelopes_px None

Two-phase PX envelope. Phase boundary line of a fluid at constant temperature with variation in composition.

QMR yaeos__models_ar_cubic_quadratic_mixing CubicMixRule

Quadratic Mixing Rule (QMR) derived type. Classic Van der Waals mixing rules.

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QMRTD yaeos__models_ar_cubic_quadratic_mixing QMR
QuadraticPsi yaeos__models_ge_gc_td PsiFunction
Substances yaeos__substance None

Set of pure components

TXEnvel2 yaeos__equilibria_boundaries_phase_envelopes_tx None

Two-phase TX envelope. Phase boundary line of a fluid at constant temperature with variation in composition.

UNIFAC yaeos__models_ge_group_contribution_unifac GeModel

Classic liquid-vapor UNIFAC model derived type

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UNIFACPsi yaeos__models_ge_gc_td PsiFunction

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UNIQUAC yaeos__models_ge_uniquac GeModel

UNIQUAC (universal quasichemical) Excess Gibbs free energy model.

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