UNIQUAC (universal quasichemical) Excess Gibbs free energy model.
Some of the model’s terms can be simplified to reduce the complexity of the
derivatives. Also, allows the model to be evaluated in mole vector n
some of the composition are equal to zero.
Being the total number of moles in the system. The expression for the Excess Gibbs free energy can be rewritten as:
derivatives are not really needed, but we also provide them.
Differentiating each term of the first compositional derivative respect to we get:
Example from: Gmehling et al. (2012) [2]
An example of having a mixture of Water-Ethanol-Bezene at 298.15 K with constant [K]:
Water | Ethanol | Benzene |
0 | 526.02 | 309.64 |
−318.06 | 0 | −91.532 |
1325.1 | 302.57 | 0 |
use yaeos, only: pr, setup_uniquac, UNIQUAC
integer, parameter :: nc = 3
real(pr) :: rs(nc), qs(nc)
real(pr) :: b(nc, nc)
real(pr) :: n(nc)
real(pr) :: ln_gammas(nc), T
type(UNIQUAC) :: model
rs = [0.92_pr, 2.1055_pr, 3.1878_pr]
qs = [1.4_pr, 1.972_pr, 2.4_pr]
T = 298.15_pr
! Calculate bij from DUij. We need -DU/R to get bij
b(1,:) = [0.0_pr, -526.02_pr, -309.64_pr]
b(2,:) = [318.06_pr, 0.0_pr, 91.532_pr]
b(3,:) = [-1325.1_pr, -302.57_pr, 0.0_pr]
model = setup_uniquac(qs, rs, bij=b)
n = [2.0_pr, 2.0_pr, 8.0_pr]
call model%ln_activity_coefficient(n, T, ln_gammas)
print *, exp(ln_gammas) ! [8.856, 0.860, 1.425]