Abdulelah-Gani PST Class
Joback fragmentation module.
- class AbdulelahGaniPSTModel(subgroups: DataFrame, subgroups_info: DataFrame, allow_overlapping: bool = False, allow_free_atoms: bool = False)[source]
Abdulelah-Gani model dedicated to properties estimation.
Class to construct the primary, secondary and tertiary structures detector for the Abdulelah-Gani properties estimation model [12].
- Parameters:
subgroups (pd.DataFrame) – Model’s subgroups. Index: ‘group’ (subgroups names). Mandatory columns: ‘smarts’ (SMARTS representations of the group to detect its precense in the molecule).
subgroups_info (pd.DataFrame) – Group’s subgroups numbers.
- subgroups
Model’s subgroups. Index: ‘group’ (subgroups names). Mandatory columns: ‘smarts’ (SMARTS representations of the group to detect its precense in the molecule).
- Type:
- detection_mols
Dictionary cotaining all the rdkit Mol object from the detection_smarts subgroups column
- Type:
- info
Group’s subgroups numbers.
- Type:
- get_groups(identifier: str | ~rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, identifier_type: str = 'name', solver: ~ugropy.core.ilp_solvers.ilp_solver.ILPSolver = <class 'ugropy.core.ilp_solvers.default_solver.DefaultSolver'>, search_multiple_solutions: bool = False) AGaniPSTFragmentationResult | List[AGaniPSTFragmentationResult] [source]
Get the groups of a molecule.
- Parameters:
identifier (Union[str, Chem.rdchem.Mol]) – Identifier of the molecule. You can use either the name of the molecule, the SMILEs of the molecule or a rdkit Mol object.
identifier_type (str, optional) – Identifier type of the molecule. Use “name” if you are providing the molecules’ name, “smiles” if you are providing the SMILES or “mol” if you are providing a rdkir mol object, by default “name”
solver (ILPSolver, optional) – ILP solver class, by default DefaultSolver
search_multiple_solutions (bool, optional) – Weather search for multiple solutions or not, by default False If False the return will be a FragmentationResult object, if True the return will be a list of FragmentationResult objects.
- Returns:
Fragmentation result. If search_multiple_solutions is False the return will be a FragmentationResult object, if True the return will be a list of FragmentationResult objects.
- Return type:
Union[AGaniPFragmentationResult, List[AGaniPFragmentationResult]]
- mol_preprocess(mol: Mol) Mol [source]
Preprocess the molecule to be ready for the fragmentation.
This method preprocess the molecule to be ready for the fragmentation process. The preprocessing steps are:
Kekulize the molecule.
Identify the aromatic rings.
Check the aromaticity of the rings.
Make the rings aromatic or non-aromatic based on the setp 3 check.
The criteria to check the aromaticity of the rings are based on the criteria proposed by Abdulelah-Gani in the original paper datase [12].
- Parameters:
mol (Chem.rdchem.Mol) – Molecule to preprocess
- Returns:
Preprocessed molecule
- Return type: