Groups class module.
- class Groups(identifier: str, identifier_type: str = 'name', solver: ~ugropy.core.ilp_solvers.ilp_solver.ILPSolver = <class 'ugropy.core.ilp_solvers.default_solver.DefaultSolver'>, search_multiple_solutions: bool = False, normal_boiling_temperature: float = None)[source]
Groups class.
Stores the solved FragmentationModels results of a molecule. This class was implemented on an early version of the ugropy library. Is not really meant to be used, instead is recommended to use directly the corresponding FragmentationModel independently since it provides more flexibility and control over the results. The class is kept since in most cases is very comfortable to have all the results in a single object.
- Parameters:
identifier (Union[str, Chem.rdchem.Mol]) – Identifier of the molecule. You can use either the name of the molecule, the SMILEs of the molecule or a rdkit Mol object.
identifier_type (str, optional) – Identifier type of the molecule. Use “name” if you are providing the molecules’ name, “smiles” if you are providing the SMILES or “mol” if you are providing a rdkir mol object, by default “name”
solver (ILPSolver, optional) – ILP solver class, by default DefaultSolver
search_multiple_solutions (bool, optional) – Weather search for multiple solutions or not, by default False If False the return will be a FragmentationResult object, if True the return will be a list of FragmentationResult objects.
normal_boiling_temperature (float, optional) – If provided, will be used to estimate critical temperature, acentric factor, and vapor pressure instead of the estimated normal boiling point in the Joback group contribution model, by default None.
- identifier
Identifier of a molecule. Example: ‘hexane’ or ‘CCCCCC’.
- Type:
- identifier_type
Use ‘name’ to search a molecule by name or ‘smiles’ to provide the molecule SMILES representation, by default “name”.
- Type:
str, optional
- mol_object
RDKit Mol object.
- Type:
- molecular_weight
Molecule’s molecular weight from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors.MolWt [g/mol].
- Type:
- unifac
Classic LV-UNIFAC subgroups.
- Type:
Union[GibbsFragmentationResult, List[GibbsFragmentationResult]]
- psrk
Predictive Soave-Redlich-Kwong subgroups.
- Type:
Union[GibbsFragmentationResult, List[GibbsFragmentationResult]]
- joback
JobackFragmentationResult object that contains the Joback subgroups and the estimated properties of the molecule.
- Type:
Union[JobackFragmentationResult, List[JobackFragmentationResult]]
- agani
AGaniFragmentationResult object that contains the Abdulelah-Gani subgroups and the estimated properties of the molecule.
- Type:
Union[AGaniFragmentationResult, List[AGaniFragmentationResult]]