ILP solver

ILPSolver abstract class.

Template for defining ILP solvers used by ugropy to solve the Set Cover problem.

class ILPSolver(overlapped_atoms: List, fragments: dict, search_multiple_solutions: bool = False)[source]

Bases: ABC

ILPSolver abstract class.

Template for defining ILP solvers used by ugropy to solve the Set Cover problem.

To inherit from this class, the following methods must be implemented:

  • solve_one_problem:

    Method that solves one instance of the Set Cover problem. This method must return a list of integers representing the chosen fragments. Also must append the solution to the selected_fragments attribute as a dictionary.

  • solve:

    This class call the solve_one_problem method multiples times if the search_multiple_solutions attribute is True. The successives calls must include the previous solutions obtained as restrictions.

You can personalize both methods as you want. The library will call the solve method and at the end of its execution the selected_fragments attribute must contain the selected fragments for each solution.

  • overlapped_atoms (List[int]) – List of atoms that are overlapped. On the Set Cover problem therms, these atoms represents the universe of the problem.

  • fragments (dict[str: List[int]]) – Dictionary with the fragments (groups) to be selected. On the Set Cover problem therms, these fragments represents the sets to be selected to cover all the universe. The key is the name of the fragment and the value is a list of atoms that compose the fragment. Some atoms that represents a fragment could not be present in the universe. This is handled by adding those “free atoms” to the universe, forcing that fragment to appear on the solution. This updating of the universe is done on the __init__ method, so you don’t need to worry about it.

  • search_multiple_solutions (bool, optional) – If True, the solver will search for multiple solutions, by default False


List of atoms that are overlapped. On the Set Cover problem therms, these atoms represents the universe of the problem.




Fragments to choose to cover the universe.


dict[str: List[int]]


If True, the solver will search for multiple solutions.




Solutions found by the solve method. Its a list that contains the different obtained solutions as lists of strings. Each string corresponds to the name of the selected fragments.




Fragments that participates on overlapped atoms.




Set with all elements that must be covered by the fragments. This set is composed by the overlapped atoms and the atoms that are present in the overlapped fragments but not in the overlapped atoms.



abstract solve_one_problem(not_valid_solutions: List) List[int][source]

Solves one instance of the Set Cover problem.


not_valid_solutions (List[list[int]]) – List with binary values representing the fragments that are choosen with a 1 and the not choosen with a 0. This list contains the lists of the solutions already found.


Solution found by the solver. The list must contain binary values representing the fragments that are choosen with a 1 and the not choosen with a 0. Of course, the length of the list must be equal to the lenght of the overlapped_fragments attribute.

Return type:



NotImplementedError – Abstract method not implemented

abstract solve() None[source]

Solve method called by fragmentations models.

Ath the end of this method’s execution, the selected_fragments must contain the selected fragments (solutions) as a list of dictionaries.


NotImplementedError – Abstract method not implemented