module yaeos__models_solvers !! # `models solvers` !! Set of different specialized solvers for different models !! !! # Description !! This module holds specialized solvers for different kind of applications !! and models. !! !! ## Volume solving !! This module holds the routine `volume_michelsen` which is a solver for !! volume that takes advantage over a simple newton on the function of !! pressure by solving the function of pressure over the covolume instead, !! which solution is limited in the range [0, 1]. This solver requires that !! the EoS uses the method `get_v0` to return the covolume. !! !! # Examples !! !! ```fortran !! A basic code example !! ``` !! !! # References !! use yaeos__constants, only: pr, R use yaeos__models_ar, only: ArModel implicit none contains subroutine volume_michelsen(eos, n, P, T, V, root_type, max_iters, V0) !! Volume solver at a given pressure. !! !! Obtain the volume using the method described by Michelsen and Møllerup. !! While \(P(V, T)\) can be obtained with a simple Newton method, a better !! approach is solving \(P(B/V, T)\) where \(B\) is the EoS covolume. !! This method is easier to solve because: !! \[ !! V(P, T) \in [0, \infty) !! \] !! and !! \[ !! \frac{B}{V}(P, T) \in [0, 1] !! \] !! !! At chapter 3 page 94 of Michelsen and Møllerup's book a more complete !! explanation can be seen use iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit use stdlib_optval, only: optval class(ArModel), intent(in) :: eos real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Mixture moles real(pr), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature [K] real(pr), intent(in) :: P !! Pressure [bar] real(pr), intent(out) :: V !! Volume [L] character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: root_type !! Type of root ["vapor" | "liquid" | "stable"] integer, optional, intent(in) :: max_iters !! Maxiumum number of iterations, defaults to 100 real(pr), optional, intent(in) :: V0 !! Specified initial volume character(len=10) :: root real(pr) :: Ar, ArV, ArV2 real(pr) :: totn real(pr) :: B !! Covolume real(pr) :: ZETMIN, ZETA, ZETMAX real(pr) :: pcalc, AT, AVAP, VVAP integer :: iter, maximum_iterations maximum_iterations = optval(max_iters, 100) root = optval(root_type, "stable") TOTN = sum(n) B = eos%get_v0(n, p, t) ITER = 0 ! Limits ZETMIN = 0._pr ZETMAX = 1._pr ZETMAX = 1._pr - 0.01*T/(10000*B) ! improvement for cases with heavy components if (present(V0)) then zeta = B/V0 else select case(root_type) case("liquid") ZETA = 0.5_pr call solve_point(P, V, Pcalc, AT, iter) case("vapor","stable") ZETA = min(0.5_pr, B*P/(TOTN*R*T)) call solve_point(P, V, Pcalc, AT, iter) if (root_type == "stable") then ! Run first for vapor and then for liquid VVAP = V AVAP = AT ZETA = 0.5_pr ZETMAX = 1._pr ZETMAX = 1.D0 - 0.01*T/(10000*B) ! improvement for cases with heavy components call solve_point(P, V, Pcalc, AT, iter) if (AT .gt. AVAP) V = VVAP end if case default write(error_unit, *) "ERROR [VCALC]: Wrong specification" error stop 1 end select end if contains subroutine solve_point(P, V, Pcalc, AT, iter) real(pr), intent(in) :: P !! Objective pressure [bar] real(pr), intent(out) :: V !! Obtained volume [L] real(pr), intent(out) :: Pcalc !! Calculated pressure at V [bar] real(pr), intent(out) :: AT !! integer, intent(out) :: iter real(pr) :: del, der iter = 0 DEL = 1 pcalc = 2*p do while(& abs(DEL) > 1.e-10_pr & .and. iter < maximum_iterations & ) V = B/ZETA iter = iter + 1 call eos%residual_helmholtz(n, V, T, Ar=Ar, ArV=ArV, ArV2=ArV2) Pcalc = TOTN*R*T/V - ArV if (Pcalc .gt. P) then ZETMAX = ZETA else ZETMIN = ZETA end if ! AT is something close to Gr(P,T) AT = (Ar + V*P)/(T*R) - TOTN*log(V) DER = (ArV2*V**2 + TOTN*R*T)/B ! this is dPdrho/B DEL = -(Pcalc - P)/DER ZETA = ZETA + max(min(DEL, 0.1_pr), -.1_pr) if (ZETA .gt. ZETMAX .or. ZETA .lt. ZETMIN) then ZETA = 0.5_pr*(ZETMAX + ZETMIN) end if end do ! if (iter >= maximum_iterations) write(error_unit, *) & ! "WARN: Volume solver exceeded maximum number of iterations" end subroutine solve_point end subroutine volume_michelsen end module