module yaeos__math_linalg !! Wrapper module around LAPACK's `dgesv` use yaeos__constants, only: pr implicit none contains function solve_system(a, b) result(x) !! Solve a linear sytem AX = b use iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit real(pr), intent(in) :: b(:) real(pr), intent(in) :: a(size(b), size(b)) integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15) real(pr) :: x(size(b)) real(dp) :: a_lapack(size(b), size(b)), b_lapack(size(b)) integer :: n, nrhs, lda, ipiv(size(b)), ldb, info interface subroutine dgesv(n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info) import dp integer :: n integer :: nrhs real(dp) :: a(n, n) integer :: lda integer :: ipiv(n) real(dp) :: b(n) integer :: ldb integer :: info end subroutine dgesv end interface n = size(a, dim=1) nrhs = 1 lda = n ldb = n a_lapack = a b_lapack = b call dgesv(n, nrhs, a_lapack, lda, ipiv, b_lapack, ldb, info) ! if (info > 0) write(error_unit, *) "WARN: dgesv error" x = b_lapack end function solve_system subroutine cubic_roots(parameters, real_roots, complex_roots, flag) use yaeos__auxiliar, only: sort real(pr), parameter :: pi=atan(1.0_pr) * 4.0_pr real(pr), intent(in) :: parameters(4) real(pr), intent(out) :: real_roots(3) complex(pr), intent(out) :: complex_roots(3) integer, intent(out) :: flag !! flag that identifies which case the solution is !! - `0`: 3 real rotos, one of them repeated (use real_roots(1) and real_roots(2)) !! - `1`: 1 real root, 2 complex roots. !! Use real_roots(1) and complex_roots(1) and complex_roots(2) !! - `-1`: 3 real roots, all different real(pr) :: p, q, u, v, nan real(pr) :: disc, theta nan = 0 nan = nan/nan associate(& a => parameters(1), b => parameters(2), & c => parameters(3), d => parameters(4)& ) p = c/a - b**2/(3*a**2) q = d/a - b*c/(3*a**2) + 2*b**3/(27*a**3) disc = q**2 + 4 * p**3 / 27 real_roots = nan complex_roots = nan if (abs(disc) < 1e-15) then flag = 0 real_roots(1) = 3*q/p real_roots(2) = -3*q/(2*p) real_roots(3) = real_roots(2) elseif (disc < 0) then flag = -1 theta = acos(0.5_pr * 3 * q / p * sqrt(-3/p)) real_roots(1) = 2 * sqrt(-p/3) * cos(theta/3) real_roots(2) = 2 * sqrt(-p/3) * cos((theta + 2*pi)/3) real_roots(3) = 2 * sqrt(-p/3) * cos((theta + 4*pi)/3) call sort(real_roots) elseif (disc > 0) then flag = 1 u = ((-q + sqrt(disc))/2) v = ((-q - sqrt(disc))/2) u = sign(abs(u)**(1.0_pr/3.0_pr), u) v = sign(abs(v)**(1.0_pr/3.0_pr), v) real_roots(1) = u + v endif real_roots = real_roots - b/(3*a) end associate end subroutine cubic_roots subroutine cubic_roots_rosendo(parameters, real_roots, complex_roots, flag) use yaeos__auxiliar, only: sort real(pr), parameter :: pi=atan(1.0_pr) * 4.0_pr real(pr), intent(in) :: parameters(4) real(pr), intent(out) :: real_roots(3) complex(pr), intent(out) :: complex_roots(3) integer, intent(out) :: flag real(16) :: d1, d2, d3, Q, R, A, B, theta, alp, bet, gam integer :: i d1 = parameters(2) / parameters(1) d2 = parameters(3) / parameters(1) d3 = parameters(4) / parameters(1) Q = (d1**2 - 3*d2) / 9.0_16 R = (2*d1**3 - 9*d1*d2 + 27*d3) / 54.0_16 if (R**2 <= Q**3) then theta = acos(R / sqrt(Q**3)) real_roots(1) = -2 * sqrt(Q) * cos(theta / 3.0_16) - d1 / 3.0_16 real_roots(2) = -2 * sqrt(Q) * cos((theta + 2 * pi) / 3.0_16) - d1 / 3.0_16 real_roots(3) = -2 * sqrt(Q) * cos((theta - 2 * pi) / 3.0_16) - d1 / 3.0_16 ! Correction?? ! do i=1,100 ! real_roots(1) = -d1 - (real_roots(2) + real_roots(3)) ! real_roots(2) = (d2 - real_roots(1) * real_roots(3)) / (real_roots(1) + real_roots(3)) ! real_roots(3) = -d3 / (real_roots(1) * real_roots(2)) ! end do call sort(real_roots) flag = -1 else A = - sign((abs(R) + sqrt(R**2 - Q**3))**(1.0_16/3.0_16), R) if (abs(A) < 1e-6) then A = 0.0_16 B = 0.0_16 else B = Q / A end if real_roots = (A + B) - d1 / 3.0_16 flag = 1 end if end subroutine subroutine eigen(A, eigenvalues, eigenvectors) !! # eigen !! !! # Description !! Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix !! `A` using LAPACK's `dsyev`. The eigenvectors are stored in the columns !! of `eigenvectors`. The eigenvalues are stored in `eigenvalues`. ! use stdlib_linalg, only: eigh, linalg_state_type ! type(linalg_state_type) :: stat real(pr), intent(in out) :: A(:, :) real(pr), intent(out) :: eigenvalues(:) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: eigenvectors(:, :) interface subroutine dsyev(JOBZ, UPLO, N, A, LDA, W, WORK, LWORK, INFO) character(1) :: JOBZ character(1) :: UPLO integer :: N double precision :: A(lda, *) integer :: lda double precision :: W(*) double precision :: WORK(*) integer :: LWORK integer :: INFO end subroutine end interface integer :: istat real(pr) :: work(size(A, 1)*10) real(pr) :: Ain(size(A, 1), size(A, 1)) integer :: n n = size(A, 1) Ain = A call dsyev(jobz='V', uplo='U', n=n, A=Ain, lda=n, w=eigenvalues, & work=work, lwork=size(work, 1), info=istat & ) eigenvectors = Ain ! call eigh(& ! A=A, lambda=eigenvalues, vectors=eigenvectors, err=stat & ! ) ! if (.not. stat%ok()) then ! write(*, *) stat%print_msg() ! end if end subroutine end module yaeos__math_linalg