module yaeos__models_ar_cubic_implementations use yaeos__constants, only: pr, R use yaeos__models_ar_genericcubic, only: CubicEoS use yaeos__substance, only: Substances implicit none !! Implemented Cubic Equations of State. !! !! - PengRobinson76 !! - PengRobinson78 !! - SoaveRedlichKwong !! - RKPR private public :: PengRobinson76 public :: PengRobinson78 public :: SoaveRedlichKwong public :: RKPR public :: PSRK public :: refit_rkpr_k contains type(CubicEoS) function PengRobinson76(tc, pc, w, kij, lij) result(model) !! PengRobinson76. !! !! Using the critical constants setup the parameters to use the !! PengRobinson Equation of State !! !! - \[\alpha(T_r) = (1 + k (1 - \sqrt{T_r}))^2\] !! - \[k = 0.37464 + 1.54226 * \omega - 0.26993 \omega^2 \] !! - \[a_c = 0.45723553 R^2 T_c^2 / P_c\] !! - \[b = 0.07779607r R T_c/P_c\] !! - \[\delta_1 = 1 + \sqrt{2}\] !! - \[\delta_2 = 1 - \sqrt{2}\] !! !! There is also the optional posibility to include the \(k_{ij}\) and !! \(l_{ij}\) matrices. Using by default Classic Van der Waals mixing !! rules. !! !! After setting up the model, it is possible to redefine either the !! mixing rule or the alpha function using a different derived type !! defined outside the function. use yaeos__constants, only: pr, R use yaeos__substance, only: Substances use yaeos__models_ar_genericcubic, only: CubicEoS use yaeos__models_ar_cubic_alphas, only: AlphaSoave use yaeos__models_ar_cubic_quadratic_mixing, only: QMR real(pr), intent(in) :: tc(:) !! Critical Temperatures [K] real(pr), intent(in) :: pc(:) !! Critical Pressures [bar] real(pr), intent(in) :: w(:) !! Acentric Factors real(pr), optional, intent(in) :: kij(:, :) !! \(k_{ij}\) matrix real(pr), optional, intent(in) :: lij(:, :) !! \(l_{ij}\) matrix type(Substances) :: composition type(QMR) :: mixrule type(AlphaSoave) :: alpha integer :: nc integer :: i nc = size(tc) composition%tc = tc composition%pc = pc composition%w = w alpha%k = 0.37464_pr & + 1.54226_pr * composition%w & - 0.26993_pr * composition%w**2 if (present(kij)) then mixrule%k = kij else mixrule%k = reshape([(0, i=1,nc**2)], [nc, nc]) endif if (present(lij)) then mixrule%l = lij else mixrule%l = reshape([(0, i=1,nc**2)], [nc, nc]) endif model%components = composition model%ac = 0.45723553_pr * R**2 * composition%tc**2 / composition%pc model%b = 0.07779607_pr * R * composition%tc/composition%pc model%del1 = [(1 + sqrt(2.0_pr), i=1,nc)] model%del2 = [(1 - sqrt(2.0_pr), i=1,nc)] model%alpha = alpha model%mixrule = mixrule model%name = "PR76" end function PengRobinson76 type(CubicEoS) function PengRobinson78(tc, pc, w, kij, lij) result(model) !! PengRobinson78. !! !! Using the critical constants setup the parameters to use the !! PengRobinson Equation of State !! !! - \[\alpha(T_r) = (1 + k (1 - \sqrt{T_r}))^2\] !! - \[k = 0.37464 + 1.54226 \omega - 0.26992 \omega^2 \text{ where } \omega <=0.491\] !! - \[k = 0.37464 + 1.48503 \omega - 0.16442 \omega^2 + 0.016666 \omega^3 \text{ where } \omega > 0.491\] !! - \[a_c = 0.45723553 R^2 T_c^2 / P_c\] !! - \[b = 0.07779607r R T_c/P_c\] !! - \[\delta_1 = 1 + \sqrt{2}\] !! - \[\delta_2 = 1 - \sqrt{2}\] !! !! There is also the optional posibility to include the \(k_{ij}\) and !! \(l_{ij}\) matrices. Using by default Classic Van der Waals mixing !! rules. !! !! After setting up the model, it is possible to redefine either the !! mixing rule or the alpha function using a different derived type !! defined outside the function. use yaeos__constants, only: pr, R use yaeos__substance, only: Substances use yaeos__models_ar_genericcubic, only: CubicEoS use yaeos__models_ar_cubic_alphas, only: AlphaSoave use yaeos__models_ar_cubic_quadratic_mixing, only: QMR real(pr), intent(in) :: tc(:) !! Critical Temperatures [K] real(pr), intent(in) :: pc(:) !! Critical Pressures [bar] real(pr), intent(in) :: w(:) !! Acentric Factors real(pr), optional, intent(in) :: kij(:, :) !! \(k_{ij}\) matrix real(pr), optional, intent(in) :: lij(:, :) !! \(l_{ij}\) matrix type(Substances) :: composition type(QMR) :: mixrule type(AlphaSoave) :: alpha integer :: nc integer :: i nc = size(tc) composition%tc = tc composition%pc = pc composition%w = w allocate(alpha%k(nc)) where (composition%w <=0.491) alpha%k = 0.37464 + 1.54226 * composition%w - 0.26992 * composition%w**2 elsewhere alpha%k = 0.379642 + 1.48503 * composition%w - 0.164423 * composition%w**2 + 0.016666 * composition%w**3 end where if (present(kij)) then mixrule%k = kij else mixrule%k = reshape([(0, i=1,nc**2)], [nc, nc]) endif if (present(lij)) then mixrule%l = lij else mixrule%l = reshape([(0, i=1,nc**2)], [nc, nc]) endif model%components = composition model%ac = 0.45723553_pr * R**2 * composition%tc**2 / composition%pc model%b = 0.07779607_pr * R * composition%tc/composition%pc model%del1 = [(1 + sqrt(2.0_pr), i=1,nc)] model%del2 = [(1 - sqrt(2.0_pr), i=1,nc)] model%alpha = alpha model%mixrule = mixrule model%name = "PR78" end function PengRobinson78 type(CubicEoS) function SoaveRedlichKwong(tc, pc, w, kij, lij) result(model) !! SoaveRedlichKwong. !! !! Using the critical constants setup the parameters to use the !! SoaveRedlichKwong Equation of State !! !! - \[\alpha(T_r) = (1 + k (1 - \sqrt{T_r}))^2\] !! - \[k = 0.48 + 1.574 \omega - 0.175 \omega^2 \] !! - \[a_c = 0.427480 R^2 * T_c^2/P_c\] !! - \[b = 0.086640 R T_c/P_c\] !! - \[\delta_1 = 1\] !! - \[\delta_2 = 0\] !! !! There is also the optional posibility to include the k_{ij} and l_{ij} !! matrices. Using by default Classic Van der Waals mixing rules. !! !! After setting up the model, it is possible to redefine either the !! mixing rule or the alpha function using a different derived type !! defined outside the function. use yaeos__models_ar_genericcubic, only: CubicEoS use yaeos__models_ar_cubic_alphas, only: AlphaSoave use yaeos__models_ar_cubic_quadratic_mixing, only: QMR real(pr), intent(in) :: tc(:) !! Critical temperature [K] real(pr), intent(in) :: pc(:) !! Critical pressure [bar] real(pr), intent(in) :: w(:) !! Acentric factor real(pr), optional, intent(in) :: kij(:, :) !! \(k_{ij}\) matrix real(pr), optional, intent(in) :: lij(:, :) !! \(l_{ij}\) matrix type(Substances) :: composition type(QMR) :: mixrule type(AlphaSoave) :: alpha integer :: nc integer :: i nc = size(tc) composition%tc = tc composition%pc = pc composition%w = w alpha%k = 0.48_pr + 1.574_pr * composition%w - 0.175_pr * composition%w**2 if (present(kij)) then mixrule%k = kij else mixrule%k = reshape([(0, i=1,nc**2)], [nc, nc]) endif if (present(lij)) then mixrule%l = lij else mixrule%l = reshape([(0, i=1,nc**2)], [nc, nc]) endif model%components = composition model%ac = 0.427480_pr * R**2 * composition%tc**2/composition%pc model%b = 0.086640_pr * R * composition%tc/composition%pc model%del1 = [(1, i=1,nc)] model%del2 = [(0, i=1,nc)] model%alpha = alpha model%mixrule = mixrule model%name = "SRK" end function SoaveRedlichKwong type(CubicEoS) function PSRK(tc, pc, w, molecules, c1, c2, c3) result(model) use yaeos__models_ar_genericcubic, only: CubicEoS use yaeos__models_ar_cubic_alphas, only: AlphaMathiasCopeman, AlphaSoave use yaeos__models_cubic_mixing_rules_huron_vidal, only: MHV use yaeos__models_ge_implementations, only: setup_psrk, UNIFAC use yaeos__models_ge_group_contribution_groups, only: Groups real(pr), intent(in) :: tc(:) !! Critical temperature [K] real(pr), intent(in) :: pc(:) !! Critical pressure [bar] real(pr), intent(in) :: w(:) !! Acentric factor type(Groups), intent(in) :: molecules(:) real(pr), optional, intent(in) :: c1(:), c2(:), c3(:) type(UNIFAC) :: ge type(Substances) :: composition type(MHV) :: mixrule type(AlphaSoave) :: alpha type(AlphaMathiasCopeman) :: alpha_mc integer :: nc integer :: i nc = size(tc) composition%tc = tc composition%pc = pc composition%w = w ge = setup_psrk(molecules) if (present(c1) .and. present(c2) .and. present(c3)) then alpha_mc = AlphaMathiasCopeman(c1, c2, c3) model%alpha = alpha_mc else alpha%k = 0.48_pr + 1.574_pr * composition%w - 0.175_pr * composition%w**2 model%alpha = alpha end if model%components = composition model%ac = 0.427480_pr * R**2 * composition%tc**2/composition%pc model%b = 0.086640_pr * R * composition%tc/composition%pc model%del1 = [(1, i=1,nc)] model%del2 = [(0, i=1,nc)] mixrule = MHV(ge=ge, b=model%b, q=-0.64663_pr) model%mixrule = mixrule model%name = "PSRK" end function PSRK type(CubicEoS) function RKPR(tc, pc, w, zc, kij, lij, delta_1, k) result(model) !! RKPR Equation of State !! !! The RKPR EoS extends the classical formulation of Cubic Equations !! of State by freeing the parameter \(\delta_1\). This extra degree !! provides extra ways of implementing the equation in comparison !! of other Cubic EoS (like PR and SRK) which are limited to definition !! of their critical constants. !! !! Besides that extra parameter, the RKRR includes another \(\alpha\) !! function: !! \[ !! \alpha(T_r) = \left(\frac{3}{2+T_r}\right)^k !! \] !! !! In this implementation we take the simplest form which correlates !! the extra parameter to the critical compressibility factor \(Z_c\) and !! the \(k\) parameter of the \(\alpha\) function to \(Z_c\) and \(\omega\): !! !! \[\delta_1 = d_1 + d_2 (d_3 - Z_c)^d_4 + d_5 (d_3 - Z_c) ^ d_6\] !! \[k = (A_1 Z_c + A_0)\omega^2 + (B_1 Z_c + B_0)\omega + (C_1 Z_c + C_0)\] use yaeos__models_ar_cubic_quadratic_mixing, only: QMR use yaeos__models_ar_cubic_alphas, only: AlphaRKPR real(pr), intent(in) :: tc(:) !! Critical Temperature [K] real(pr), intent(in) :: pc(:) !! Critical Pressure [bar] real(pr), intent(in) :: w(:) !! Acentric Factor real(pr), intent(in) :: zc(:) !! Critical compressibility real(pr), optional, intent(in) :: kij(:, :) !! k_{ij} matrix real(pr), optional, intent(in) :: lij(:, :) !! l_{ij} matrix real(pr), optional, intent(in) :: delta_1(:) real(pr), optional, intent(in) :: k(:) type(AlphaRKPR) :: alpha type(QMR) :: mixrule type(Substances) :: composition integer :: i, nc real(pr), parameter :: d1 = 0.428364, & d2 = 18.496215, & d3=0.338426, & d4=0.66, & d5 = 789.723105, & d6=2.512392 real(pr), parameter :: A1 = -2.4407 real(pr), parameter :: A0 = 0.0017 real(pr), parameter :: B1 =7.4513 real(pr), parameter :: B0 =1.9681 real(pr), parameter :: C1 =12.504 real(pr), parameter :: C0 =-2.6238 real(pr) :: OMa(size(pc)), OMb(size(pc)) real(pr) :: Zc_eos(size(pc)) real(pr) :: Psat_i, diff nc = size(tc) composition%pc = pc composition%tc = tc composition%w = w Zc_eos = 1.168 * Zc if (present(k)) then alpha%k = k else alpha%k = (A1 * Zc_eos + A0)*w**2 + (B1*zc + B0)*w + (C1*Zc_eos + C0) end if if (present(kij)) then mixrule%k = kij else mixrule%k = reshape([(0, i=1,nc**2)], [nc, nc]) end if if (present(lij)) then mixrule%l = lij else mixrule%l = reshape([(0, i=1,nc**2)], [nc, nc]) end if model%components = composition if (present(delta_1)) then model%del1 = delta_1 else model%del1 = d1 + d2 * (d3 - zc_eos) ** d4 + d5 * (d3 - zc_eos) ** d6 end if model%del2 = (1._pr - model%del1)/(1._pr + model%del1) model%alpha = alpha call get_OMa_OMb(model%del1, oma, omb) model%ac = OMa * (R*Tc)**2/Pc model%b = OMb * (R*Tc)/Pc model%mixrule = mixrule model%name = "RKPR 2005" if (.not. present(k)) then do i=1,nc call refit_rkpr_k(model, i) end do end if end function RKPR subroutine refit_rkpr_k(model, component) !! # refit_rkpr_k !! !! Refit the \(k\) parameter of the RKPR EoS to match the acentric !! factor use yaeos__models_ar_cubic_alphas, only: AlphaRKPR use yaeos__equilibria_boundaries_pure_saturation, only: & PurePsat, pure_saturation_line type(CubicEoS), intent(in out) :: model !! The model to be refitted integer, intent(in) :: component !! Component index to refit real(pr) :: Psat_i, diff, Tc, Pc, w integer :: i type(AlphaRKPR) :: alpha type(PurePsat) :: Psat associate(a => model%alpha) select type(a) type is (AlphaRKPR) alpha = a end select end associate i = component Tc = model%components%tc(i) Pc = model%components%pc(i) w = model%components%w(i) diff = 1 do while (abs(diff)/abs(w) > 1e-5) Psat_i = model%Psat_pure(i, 0.7*Tc) if (Psat_i < 1e-10) then ! If the saturation pressure did not converge, calculate the ! whole line Psat = pure_saturation_line(model, i, minp=0.01*Pc, minT=0.6*Tc) Psat_i = Psat%get_P(0.7*Tc) ! If the saturation pressure still not converges, just give it ! a value of 80% of the critical pressure. ! TODO: This could be improved by using a better initial guess if (Psat_i < 1e-10) Psat_i = 0.8*Pc end if diff = (w - (-1 - log10(Psat_i/Pc))) alpha%k(i) = alpha%k(i) + 0.1*diff deallocate(model%alpha) model%alpha = alpha if (Psat_i < 1e-6) error stop end do end subroutine refit_rkpr_k subroutine get_OMa_OMb(del1, OMa, OMb) real(pr), intent(in) :: del1(:) real(pr), intent(out) :: OMa(size(del1)) real(pr), intent(out) :: OMb(size(del1)) real(pr) :: d1(size(del1)), y(size(del1)) d1 = (1._pr + del1**2._pr)/(1._pr + del1) y = 1._pr + (2._pr*(1._pr + del1))**(1.0_pr/3._pr) + (4._pr/(1._pr + del1))**(1.0_pr/3) OMa = (3._pr*y*y + 3._pr*y*d1 + d1**2._pr + d1 - 1.0_pr)/(3._pr*y + d1 - 1.0_pr)**2._pr OMb = 1._pr/(3._pr*y + d1 - 1.0_pr) end subroutine get_OMa_OMb end module yaeos__models_ar_cubic_implementations