module yaeos__models_ar_genericcubic use yaeos__constants, only: pr use yaeos__models_ar, only: ArModel use yaeos__substance, only: Substances implicit none type, abstract :: AlphaFunction !! Abstract derived type that describe the required !! procedure for an alpha function. contains procedure(abs_alpha), deferred :: alpha end type type, abstract :: CubicMixRule !! Abstract derived type that describe the required !! procedure for a mixing rule on a Cubic EoS logical :: dn2 = .false. !! Calculate second order derivatives contains procedure(abs_Dmix), deferred :: Dmix procedure(abs_Bmix), deferred :: Bmix procedure(abs_D1mix), deferred :: D1mix end type type, extends(ArModel) :: CubicEoS !! # Cubic Equation of State. !! !! Generic Cubic Equation of State as defined by Michelsen and Mollerup !! with a \(\delta_1\) parameter that is not constant, !! and a \(\delta_2\) parameter that depends on it. In the case of a !! two parameter EoS like PengRobinson the \(\delta_1\) is the same for !! all components so it can be considered as a constant instead of a !! variable. The expression of the Equation is: !! !! \[ !! P = \frac{RT}{V-B} !! - \frac{D(T_r)}{(V+B\Delta_1)(V+B\Delta_2)} !! \] class(CubicMixRule), allocatable :: mixrule !! # CubicMixRule derived type. !! Uses the abstract derived type `CubicMixRule` to define the !! mixing rule that the CubicEoS will use. It includes internally !! three methods to calculate the corresponding parameters for the !! Cubic EoS: `Dmix`, `Bmix` and `D1mix`. !! !! # Examples !! ## Calculation of the B parameter. !! ```fortran !! use yaeos, only: CubicEoS, PengRobinson76 !! type(CubicEoS) :: eos !! eos = PengRobinson76(tc, pc, w) !! call eos%mixrule%Bmix(n, eos%b, B, dBi, dBij) !! ``` !! ## Calculation of the D parameter. !! ```fortran !! use yaeos, only: CubicEoS, PengRobinson76 !! type(CubicEoS) :: eos !! eos = PengRobinson76(tc, pc, w) !! !! ! The mixing rule takes the `a` parameters of the components so !! ! they should be calculated externally !! call eos%alpha%alpha(Tr, a, dadt, dadt2) !! a = a * eos%ac !! dadt = dadt * eos%ac / eos%components%Tc !! dadt = dadt * eos%ac / eos%components%Tc**2 !! ! Calculate parameter !! call eos%mixrule%Dmix(n, T, a, dadt, dadt2, D, dDdT, dDdT2, dDi, dDidT, dDij) !! ``` !! ## Calculation of the D1 parameter. !! ```fortran !! use yaeos, only: CubicEoS, PengRobinson76 !! type(CubicEoS) :: eos !! eos = PengRobinson76(tc, pc, w) !! call eos%mixrule%D1mix(n, eos%del1, D1, dD1i, dD1ij) !! ``` class(AlphaFunction), allocatable :: alpha !! # AlphaFunction derived type. !! Uses the abstract derived type `AlphaFunction` to define the !! Alpha function that the CubicEoS will use. The Alpha function !! receives the reduced temperature and returns the values of alpha !! and its derivatives, named `a`, `dadt` and `dadt2` respectively. !! !! # Examples !! ## Callign the AlphaFunction of a setted up model. !! ```fortran !! use yaeos, only: CubicEoS, PengRobinson76 !! !! type(CubicEoS) :: eos !! eos = PengRobinson76(tc, pc, w) !! call eos%alpha%alpha(Tr, a, dadt, dadt2) !! ``` real(pr), allocatable :: ac(:) !! Attractive critical parameter real(pr), allocatable :: b(:) !! Repulsive parameter real(pr), allocatable :: del1(:) !! \(\delta_1\) paramter real(pr), allocatable :: del2(:) !! \(\delta_2\) paramter contains procedure :: residual_helmholtz => GenericCubic_Ar procedure :: get_v0 => v0 procedure :: volume => volume procedure :: set_delta1 => set_delta1 procedure :: set_mixrule => set_mixrule end type abstract interface subroutine abs_alpha(self, Tr, a, dadt, dadt2) import AlphaFunction, pr class(AlphaFunction), intent(in) :: self real(pr), intent(in) :: Tr(:) real(pr), intent(out) :: a(:), dadt(:), dadt2(:) end subroutine subroutine abs_Dmix(self, n, T, & ai, daidt, daidt2, & D, dDdT, dDdT2, dDi, dDidT, dDij& ) import CubicMixRule, pr class(CubicMixRule), intent(in) :: self real(pr), intent(in) :: T, n(:) real(pr), intent(in) :: ai(:), daidt(:), daidt2(:) real(pr), intent(out) :: D, dDdT, dDdT2, dDi(:), dDidT(:), dDij(:, :) end subroutine subroutine abs_Bmix(self, n, bi, B, dBi, dBij) import CubicMixRule, pr class(CubicMixRule), intent(in) :: self real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) real(pr), intent(in) :: bi(:) real(pr), intent(out) :: B, dBi(:), dBij(:, :) end subroutine subroutine abs_D1mix(self, n, d1i, D1, dD1i, dD1ij) import pr, CubicMixRule class(CubicMixRule), intent(in) :: self real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) real(pr), intent(in) :: d1i(:) real(pr), intent(out) :: D1 real(pr), intent(out) :: dD1i(:) real(pr), intent(out) :: dD1ij(:, :) end subroutine abs_D1mix end interface contains subroutine GenericCubic_Ar(& self, n, V, T, Ar, ArV, ArT, ArTV, ArV2, ArT2, Arn, ArVn, ArTn, Arn2& ) !! Residual Helmholtz Energy for a generic Cubic Equation of State. !! !! Calculates the residual Helmholtz Energy for a generic Cubic EoS as !! defined by Michelsen and Møllerup: !! !! \[ !! P = \frac{RT}{V-b} !! - \frac{a_c\alpha(T_r)}{(V+b\delta_1)(V+b\delta_2)} !! \] !! !! This routine assumes that the \(\delta_1\) is not a constant parameter !! (as it uses to be in classical Cubic EoS) to be compatible with the !! three parameter EoS RKPR where \(delta_1\) is not a constant and !! has its own mixing rule. !! use yaeos__constants, only: R class(CubicEoS), intent(in) :: self real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Number of moles real(pr), intent(in) :: v !! Volume [L] real(pr), intent(in) :: t !! Temperature [K] real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: ar !! Residual Helmholtz real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: arv !! \(\frac{dAr}{dV}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: ArT !! \(\frac{dAr}{dT}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: artv !! \(\frac{d^2Ar}{dTdV}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: arv2 !! \(\frac{d^2Ar}{dV^2}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: ArT2 !! \(\frac{d^2Ar}{dT^2}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: Arn(size(n)) !! \(\frac{dAr}{dn_i}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: ArVn(size(n)) !! \(\frac{d^2Ar}{dVdn_i}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: ArTn(size(n)) !! \(\frac{d^2Ar}{dTdn_i}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: Arn2(size(n), size(n)) !! \(\frac{d^2Ar}{dn_{ij}}\) real(pr) :: Bmix, dBi(size(n)), dBij(size(n), size(n)) real(pr) :: D, dDi(size(n)), dDij(size(n), size(n)), dDidT(size(n)), dDdT, dDdT2 real(pr) :: totn real(pr) d1, dD1i(size(n)), dD1ij(size(n), size(n)) real(pr) :: auxD2, fD1, fBD1, fVD1, fD1D1 real(pr) d2 real(pr) :: f, g, fv, fB, gv, fv2, gv2, AUX, FFB, FFBV, FFBB real(pr) :: Tr(size(n)), a(size(n)), dadt(size(n)), dadt2(size(n)) integer :: i, j, nc nc = size(n) TOTN = sum(n) Tr = T/self%components%Tc ! ======================================================================== ! Attractive parameter and derivatives ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ call self%alpha%alpha(Tr, a, dadt, dadt2) a = self%ac * a dadt = self%ac * dadt / self%components%Tc dadt2 = self%ac * dadt2 / self%components%Tc**2 ! ======================================================================== ! Mixing rules ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ call self%mixrule%D1mix(n, self%del1, D1, dD1i, dD1ij) call self%mixrule%Bmix(n, self%b, Bmix, dBi, dBij) call self%mixrule%Dmix(& n, T, a, dadt, dadt2, D, dDdT, dDdT2, dDi, dDidT, dDij& ) D2 = (1._pr - D1)/(1._pr + D1) ! ======================================================================== ! Main functions defined by Møllerup ! The f's and g's used here are for Ar, not F (reduced Ar) ! This requires to multiply by R all g, f ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ f = log((V + D1*Bmix)/(V + D2*Bmix))/Bmix/(D1 - D2) g = R*log(1 - Bmix/V) fv = -1/((V + D1*Bmix)*(V + D2*Bmix)) fB = -(f + V*fv)/Bmix gv = R*Bmix/(V*(V - Bmix)) fv2 = (-1/(V + D1*Bmix)**2 + 1/(V + D2*Bmix)**2)/Bmix/(D1 - D2) gv2 = R*(1/V**2 - 1/(V - Bmix)**2) ! DERIVATIVES OF f WITH RESPECT TO DELTA1 auxD2 = (1 + 2/(1 + D1)**2) fD1 = (1/(V + D1*Bmix) + 2/(V + D2*Bmix)/(1 + D1)**2) - f*auxD2 fD1 = fD1/(D1 - D2) fBD1 = -(fB*auxD2 + D1/(V + D1*Bmix)**2 + 2*D2/(V + D2*Bmix)**2/(1 + D1)**2) fBD1 = fBD1/(D1 - D2) fVD1 = -(fV*auxD2 + 1/(V + D1*Bmix)**2 + 2/(V + D2*Bmix)**2/(1 + D1)**2)/(D1 - D2) fD1D1 = 4*(f - 1/(V + D2*Bmix))/(1 + D1)**3 + Bmix*(-1/(V + D1*Bmix)**2 & + 4/(V + D2*Bmix)**2/(1 + D1)**4) - 2*fD1*(1 + 2/(1 + D1)**2) fD1D1 = fD1D1/(D1 - D2) AUX = R*T/(V - Bmix) FFB = TOTN*AUX - D*fB FFBV = -TOTN*AUX/(V - Bmix) + D*(2*fv + V*fv2)/Bmix FFBB = TOTN*AUX/(V - Bmix) - D*(2*f + 4*V*fv + V**2*fv2)/Bmix**2 ! ======================================================================== ! Reduced Helmholtz Energy and derivatives ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (present(Ar)) Ar = -TOTN*g*T - D*f if (present(ArV)) ArV = -TOTN*gv*T - D*fv if (present(ArV2)) ArV2 = -TOTN*gv2*T - D*fv2 if (present(Arn)) Arn(:) = -g*T + FFB*dBi(:) - f*dDi(:) - D*fD1 * dD1i(:) if (present(ArVn)) ArVn(:) = -gv*T + FFBV*dBi(:) - fv*dDi(:) - D*fVD1*dD1i(:) if (present(ArTn)) ArTn(:) = -g + (TOTN*AUX/T - dDdT*fB)*dBi(:) - f*dDidT(:) - dDdT*fD1*dD1i(:) if (present(Arn2)) then do i = 1, nc do j = 1, i Arn2(i, j) = AUX*(dBi(i) + dBi(j)) - fB*(dBi(i)*dDi(j) + dBi(j)*dDi(i)) & + FFB*dBij(i, j) + FFBB*dBi(i)*dBi(j) - f*dDij(i, j) Arn2(i, j) = Arn2(i, j) - D*fBD1*(dBi(i)*dD1i(j) + dBi(j)*dD1i(i)) & - fD1*(dDi(i)*dD1i(j) + dDi(j)*dD1i(i)) & - D*fD1*dD1ij(i, j) - D*fD1D1*dD1i(i)*dD1i(j) Arn2(j, i) = Arn2(i, j) end do end do end if ! TEMPERATURE DERIVATIVES if (present(ArT)) ArT = -TOTN*g - dDdT*f if (present(ArTV)) ArTV = -TOTN*gv - dDdT*fV if (present(ArT2)) ArT2 = -dDdT2*f end subroutine GenericCubic_Ar subroutine set_delta1(self, delta1) class(CubicEoS) :: self real(pr), intent(in) :: delta1(:) self%del1 = delta1 self%del2 = (1._pr - delta1)/(1._pr + delta1) end subroutine subroutine set_mixrule(self, mixrule) class(CubicEoS), intent(in out) :: self class(CubicMixRule), intent(in) :: mixrule if (allocated(self%mixrule)) deallocate(self%mixrule) self%mixrule = mixrule end subroutine function v0(self, n, p, t) !! Cubic EoS volume initializer. !! For a Cubic Equation of State, the covolume calculated with the mixing !! rule is a good estimate for the initial volume solver on the liquid !! region. class(CubicEoS), intent(in) :: self real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:), p, t real(pr) :: v0 real(pr) :: dbi(size(n)), dbij(size(n), size(n)) call self%mixrule%Bmix(n, self%b, v0, dbi, dbij) end function subroutine volume(eos, n, P, T, V, root_type) !! # Cubic EoS volume solver !! Volume solver optimized for Cubic Equations of State. !! !! @warn !! This routine intends to use the analyitical solution of the cubic !! equation, but due to errors in the solutions it is not used. And !! the general volume solver by Michelsen is used instead. !! @endwarn !! !! # Description !! Cubic equations can be analytically solved. Using an anallytical !! solution provides the best possible solution in terms of speed and !! precision. This subroutine uses the modified cardano method proposed !! by Rosendo. !! !! # Examples !! !! ```fortran !! use yaeos, only: CubicEoS, PengRobinson !! type(CubicEoS) :: eos !! !! eos = PengRobinson(tc, pc, w) !! ! Possible roots to solve !! call eos%volume(n, P, T, V, "liquid") !! call eos%volume(n, P, T, V, "vapor") !! call eos%volume(n, P, T, V, "stable") !! ``` !! !! # References !! !! - [1] "Thermodynamic Models: Fundamental and Computational Aspects", !! Michael L. Michelsen, Jørgen M. Mollerup. !! Tie-Line Publications, Denmark (2004) !! [doi]( !! !! - [2] "A Note on the Analytical Solution of Cubic Equations of State !! in Process Simulation", Rosendo Monroy-Loperena !! [doi]( use yaeos__constants, only: R use yaeos__math_linalg, only: cubic_roots, cubic_roots_rosendo use yaeos__models_solvers, only: volume_michelsen class(CubicEoS), intent(in) :: eos real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:), P, T real(pr), intent(out) :: V character(len=*), intent(in) :: root_type real(pr) :: z(size(n)) real(pr) :: cp(4), rr(3) complex(pr) :: cr(3) integer :: flag real(pr) :: V_liq, V_vap real(pr) :: Ar, AT_Liq, AT_Vap real(pr) :: Bmix, dBi(size(n)), dBij(size(n), size(n)) real(pr) :: D, dDi(size(n)), dDij(size(n), size(n)), dDidT(size(n)), dDdT, dDdT2 real(pr) :: D1, D2, dD1i(size(n)), dD1ij(size(n), size(n)) real(pr) :: Tr(size(n)) real(pr) :: a(size(n)), dadt(size(n)), dadt2(size(n)) real(pr) :: totn call volume_michelsen(eos, n=n, P=P, T=T, V=V, root_type=root_type) return totn = sum(n) z = n/totn Tr = T/eos%components%Tc ! ======================================================================== ! Attractive parameter and derivatives ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ call eos%alpha%alpha(Tr, a, dadt, dadt2) a = eos%ac * a dadt = eos%ac * dadt / eos%components%Tc dadt2 = eos%ac * dadt2 / eos%components%Tc**2 ! ======================================================================== ! Mixing rules ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ call eos%mixrule%D1mix(z, eos%del1, D1, dD1i, dD1ij) call eos%mixrule%Bmix(z, eos%b, Bmix, dBi, dBij) call eos%mixrule%Dmix(& z, T, a, dadt, dadt2, D, dDdT, dDdT2, dDi, dDidT, dDij& ) D2 = (1._pr - D1)/(1._pr + D1) cp(1) = -P cp(2) = -P*Bmix*(D1 + D2 - 1) + R*T cp(3) = -P*(D1*D2*Bmix**2 - D1*Bmix**2 - D2*Bmix**2) + R*T*Bmix*(D1+D2) - D cp(4) = P*D1*D2*Bmix**3 + R*T *D1*D2*Bmix**2 + D*Bmix ! call cubic_roots(cp, rr, cr, flag) ! call cubic_roots_rosendo(cp, rr, cr, flag) select case(flag) case(-1) V_liq = rr(1) V_vap = rr(3) if (V_liq < 0) V_liq = V_vap case(1) V_liq = rr(1) V_vap = rr(1) end select select case(root_type) case("liquid") V = V_liq case("vapor") V = V_vap case("stable") ! AT is something close to Gr(P,T) call eos%residual_helmholtz(z, V_liq, T, Ar=Ar) AT_Liq = (Ar + V_liq*P)/(T*R) - sum(z)*log(V_liq) call eos%residual_helmholtz(z, V_vap, T, Ar=Ar) AT_Vap = (Ar + V_vap*P)/(T*R) - sum(z)*log(V_vap) if (AT_liq <= AT_vap) then V = V_liq else V = V_vap end if end select V = totn * V end subroutine end module