module yaeos__models_ar !! # Module that defines the basics of a residual Helmholtz energy. !! !! All the residual properties that are calculated in this library are !! based on residual Helmholtz Equations of State. Following the book by !! Michelsen and Mollerup. !! !! In this library up to second derivatives of residual Helmholtz energy !! are used. Because they're the fundamentals for phase equilibria !! calculation. !! !! @note !! Later on, third derivative with respect to volume will be included !! since it's importance on calculation of critical points. !! @endnote !! !! # Properties !! !! ## Available properties: !! !! - pressure(n, V, T) !! - fugacity(n, V, T) !! - fugacity(n, P, T, root=[vapor, liquid, stable]) !! - volume !! !! Calculate thermodynamic properties using Helmholtz energy as a basis. !! All the routines in this module work with the logic: !! !! ```fortran !! call foo(x, V, T, [dfoodv, dfoodT, ...]) !! ``` !! Where the user can call the routine of the desired property. And include !! as optional values the desired derivatives of said properties. use yaeos__constants, only: pr, R use yaeos__models_base, only: BaseModel implicit none type, abstract, extends(BaseModel) :: ArModel !! Abstract residual Helmholtz model. !! !! This derived type defines the basics needed for the calculation !! of residual properties. !! The basics of a residual Helmholtz model is a routine that calculates !! all the needed derivatives of \(Ar\) `residual_helmholtz` and !! a volume initializer function, that is used to initialize a Newton !! solver of volume when specifying pressure. character(len=:), allocatable :: name !! Name of the model contains procedure(abs_residual_helmholtz), deferred :: residual_helmholtz procedure(abs_volume_initializer), deferred :: get_v0 procedure :: lnphi_vt procedure :: lnphi_pt procedure :: lnfug_vt procedure :: pressure procedure :: volume procedure :: enthalpy_residual_vt procedure :: gibbs_residual_vt procedure :: entropy_residual_vt procedure :: Cv_residual_vt procedure :: Cp_residual_vt procedure :: Psat_pure end type ArModel interface size module procedure :: size_ar_model end interface size abstract interface subroutine abs_residual_helmholtz(& self, n, v, t, Ar, ArV, ArT, ArTV, ArV2, ArT2, Arn, ArVn, ArTn, Arn2 & ) !! Residual Helmholtz model generic interface. !! !! This interface represents how an Ar model should be implemented. !! By our standard, a Resiudal Helmholtz model takes as input: !! !! - The mixture's number of moles vector. !! - Volume, by default in liters. !! - Temperature, by default in Kelvin. !! !! All the output arguments are optional. While this keeps a long !! signature for the implementation, this is done this way to take !! advantage of any inner optimizations to calculate derivatives !! inside the procedure. !! !! Once the model is implemented, the signature can be short like !! `model%residual_helmholtz(n, v, t, ArT2=dArdT2)` import ArModel, pr class(ArModel), intent(in) :: self !! ArModel real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Moles vector real(pr), intent(in) :: v !! Volume [L] real(pr), intent(in) :: t !! Temperature [K] real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: Ar !! Residual Helmoltz energy real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: ArV !! \(\frac{dAr}{dV}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: ArT !! \(\frac{dAr}{dT}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: ArT2 !! \(\frac{d^2Ar}{dT^2}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: ArTV !! \(\frac{d^2Ar}{dTV}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: ArV2 !! \(\frac{d^2Ar}{dV^2}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: Arn(size(n)) !! \(\frac{dAr}{dn_i}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: ArVn(size(n)) !! \(\frac{d^2Ar}{dVn_i}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: ArTn(size(n)) !! \(\frac{d^2Ar}{dTn_i}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: Arn2(size(n), size(n))!! \(\frac{d^2Ar}{dn_{ij}}\) end subroutine abs_residual_helmholtz function abs_volume_initializer(self, n, p, t) !! Function that provides an initializer value for the liquid-root !! of newton solver of volume. In the case the model will use the !! `volume_michelsen` routine this value should provide the co-volume !! of the model. import ArModel, pr class(ArModel), intent(in) :: self !! Ar Model real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Moles vector real(pr), intent(in) :: p !! Pressure [bar] real(pr), intent(in) :: t !! Temperature [K] real(pr) :: abs_volume_initializer !! Initial volume [L] end function abs_volume_initializer end interface contains integer pure function size_ar_model(eos) !! Get the size of the model. class(ArModel), intent(in) :: eos size_ar_model = size(eos%components%pc) end function size_ar_model subroutine volume(eos, n, P, T, V, root_type) !! # Volume solver routine for residual Helmholtz models. !! Solves volume roots using newton method. Given pressure and temperature. !! !! # Description !! This subroutine solves the volume using a newton method. The variable !! `root_type` !! !! # Examples !! !! ```fortran !! class(ArModel) :: eos !! call eos%volume(n, P, T, V, root_type="liquid") !! call eos%volume(n, P, T, V, root_type="vapor") !! call eos%volume(n, P, T, V, root_type="stable") !! ``` use yaeos__constants, only: pr, R use yaeos__math, only: newton class(ArModel), intent(in) :: eos real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Moles number vector real(pr), intent(in) :: P !! Pressure [bar] real(pr), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature [K] real(pr), intent(out) :: V !! Volume [L] character(len=*), intent(in) :: root_type !! Desired root-type to solve. Options are: !! `["liquid", "vapor", "stable"]` integer :: max_iters=30 real(pr) :: tol=1e-7 real(pr) :: totnRT, GrL, GrV, Gr real(pr) :: Vliq, Vvap GrL = HUGE(GrL) GrV = HUGE(GrV) totnRT = sum(n) * R * T select case(root_type) case("liquid") Vliq = eos%get_v0(n, P, T) * 1.001_pr call newton(foo, Vliq, tol=tol, max_iters=max_iters) GrL = Gr case("vapor") Vvap = R * T / P call newton(foo, Vvap, tol=tol, max_iters=max_iters) GrV = Gr case("stable") Vliq = eos%get_v0(n, P, T)*1.00001_pr call newton(foo, Vliq, tol=tol, max_iters=max_iters) GrL = Gr Vvap = R * T / P call newton(foo, Vvap, tol=tol, max_iters=max_iters) GrV = Gr end select if (GrL < GrV) then V = Vliq else V = Vvap end if contains subroutine foo(x, f, df) real(pr), intent(in) :: x real(pr), intent(out) :: f, df real(pr) :: Ar, ArV, ArV2, Pcalc, dPcalcdV, Vin Vin = x call eos%residual_helmholtz(n, Vin, T, Ar=Ar, ArV=ArV, ArV2=ArV2) Pcalc = totnRT / Vin - ArV dPcalcdV = -totnRT / Vin**2 - ArV2 f = Pcalc - p df = dPcalcdV Gr = Ar + P * Vin - totnRT - totnRT * log(P*Vin/(R*T)) end subroutine foo end subroutine volume subroutine pressure(eos, n, V, T, P, dPdV, dPdT, dPdn) !! Pressure calculation. !! !! Calculate pressure using residual helmholtz models. !! !! # Examples !! ```fortran !! class(ArModel), allocatable :: eos !! real(pr) :: n(2), t, v, p, dPdV, dPdT, dPdn(2) !! eos = PengRobinson(Tc, Pc, w) !! n = [1.0_pr, 1.0_pr] !! t = 300.0_pr !! v = 1.0_pr !! call eos%pressure(n, V, T, P, dPdV=dPdV, dPdT=dPdT, dPdn=dPdn) !! ``` class(ArModel), intent(in) :: eos !! Model real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Moles number vector real(pr), intent(in) :: t !! Temperature [K] real(pr), intent(in) :: v !! Volume [L] real(pr), intent(out) :: p !! Pressure [bar] real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dPdV !! \(\frac{dP}}{dV}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dPdT !! \(\frac{dP}}{dT}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dPdn(:) !! \(\frac{dP}}{dn_i}\) real(pr) :: totn real(pr) :: Ar, ArV, ArV2, ArTV, ArVn(size(eos)) integer :: nc logical :: dn totn = sum(n) nc = size(n) if (present(dPdn)) then call eos%residual_helmholtz(& n, v, t, Ar=Ar, ArV=ArV, ArV2=ArV2, ArTV=ArTV, ArVn=ArVn & ) else call eos%residual_helmholtz(& n, v, t, Ar=Ar, ArV=ArV, ArV2=ArV2, ArTV=ArTV & ) end if P = totn * R * T/V - ArV if (present(dPdV)) dPdV = -ArV2 - R*T*totn/V**2 if (present(dPdT)) dPdT = -ArTV + totn*R/V if (present(dPdn)) dPdn(:) = R*T/V - ArVn(:) end subroutine pressure subroutine lnphi_pt(eos, & n, P, T, V, root_type, lnPhi, dlnPhidP, dlnPhidT, dlnPhidn, dPdV, dPdT, dPdn & ) !! Calculate logarithm of fugacity, given pressure and temperature. !! !! This routine will obtain the desired volume root at the specified !! pressure and calculate fugacity at that point. use iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit class(ArModel), intent(in) :: eos !! Model real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Mixture mole numbers character(len=*), intent(in) :: root_type !! Type of root desired ["liquid", "vapor", "stable"] real(pr), intent(in) :: P !! Pressure [bar] real(pr), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature [K] real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: lnPhi(size(n)) !! \(\ln(phi)\) vector real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: V !! Volume [L] real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dlnPhidT(size(n)) !! ln(phi) Temp derivative real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dlnPhidP(size(n)) !! ln(phi) Presssure derivative real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dlnPhidn(size(n), size(n)) !! ln(phi) compositional derivative real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dPdV !! \(\frac{dP}{dV}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dPdT !! \(\frac{dP}{dT}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dPdn(size(n)) !! \(\frac{dP}{dn_i}\) real(pr) :: V_in, P_in call eos%volume(n, P=P, T=T, V=V_in, root_type=root_type) call eos%lnphi_vt(& n, V=V_in, T=T, & P=P_in, lnPhi=lnPhi, & dlnPhidP=dlnPhidP, dlnPhidT=dlnPhidT, dlnPhidn=dlnPhidn, & dPdV=dPdV, dPdT=dPdT, dPdn=dPdn & ) if(present(V)) V = V_in ! Check if the calculated pressure is the same as the input pressure. if(abs(P_in - P) > 1e-2) then write(error_unit, *) "WARN: possible bad root solving: ", P_in, P end if end subroutine lnphi_pt subroutine lnphi_vt(eos, & n, V, T, P, lnPhi, & dlnPhidP, dlnPhidT, dlnPhidn, & dPdV, dPdT, dPdn & ) !! Calculate fugacity coefficent given volume and temperature. class(ArModel) :: eos !! Model real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Mixture mole numbers real(pr), intent(in) :: V !! Volume [L] real(pr), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature [K] real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: P !! Pressure [bar] real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: lnPhi(size(n)) !! \(\ln(\phi_i)\) vector real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dlnPhidT(size(n)) !! \(ln(phi_i)\) Temp derivative real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dlnPhidP(size(n)) !! \(ln(phi_i)\) Presssure derivative real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dlnPhidn(size(n), size(n)) !! \(ln(phi_i)\) compositional derivative real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dPdV !! \(\frac{dP}{dV}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dPdT !! \(\frac{dP}{dT}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dPdn(:) !! \(\frac{dP}{dn_i}\) real(pr) :: Ar, ArTV, ArV, ArV2 real(pr), dimension(size(n)) :: Arn, ArVn, ArTn real(pr) :: Arn2(size(n), size(n)) real(pr) :: dPdV_in, dPdT_in, dPdn_in(size(n)) real(pr) :: P_in real(pr) :: RT, Z real(pr) :: totn integer :: nc, i, j totn = sum(n) nc = size(n) RT = R*T if (present(lnPhi) .and. .not. (& present(dlnPhidn) & .or. present(dlnPhidP) & .or. present(dlnPhidT) & )) then call eos%residual_helmholtz(n, v, t, Arn=Arn, ArV=ArV) P_in = totn*RT/V - ArV Z = P_in*V/(totn*RT) lnPhi(:) = Arn(:)/RT - log(Z) if (present(P)) P = P_in return else if (present(dlnPhidn)) then call eos%residual_helmholtz(& n, V, T, Ar=Ar, ArV=ArV, ArV2=ArV2, ArTV=ArTV, & Arn=Arn, ArVn=ArVn, ArTn=ArTn, Arn2=Arn2 & ) else call eos%residual_helmholtz(& n, V, T, Ar=Ar, ArV=ArV, ArV2=ArV2, ArTV=ArTV, & Arn=Arn, ArVn=ArVn, ArTn=ArTn & ) end if P_in = totn*RT/V - ArV Z = P_in*V/(totn*RT) if (present(P)) P = P_in dPdV_in = -ArV2 - RT*totn/V**2 dPdT_in = -ArTV + totn*R/V dPdn_in = RT/V - ArVn if (present(lnPhi)) lnPhi = Arn(:)/RT - log(Z) if (present(dlnPhidP)) then dlnPhidP(:) = -dPdn_in(:)/dPdV_in/RT - 1._pr/P_in end if if (present(dlnPhidT)) then dlnPhidT(:) = (ArTn(:) - Arn(:)/T)/RT + dPdn_in(:)*dPdT_in/dPdV_in/RT + 1._pr/T end if if (present(dlnPhidn)) then do i = 1, nc do j = i, nc dlnPhidn(i, j) = 1._pr/totn + (Arn2(i, j) + dPdn_in(i)*dPdn_in(j)/dPdV_in)/RT dlnPhidn(j, i) = dlnPhidn(i, j) end do end do end if if (present(dPdV)) dPdV = dPdV_in if (present(dPdT)) dPdT = dPdT_in if (present(dPdn)) dPdn = dPdn_in end subroutine lnphi_vt subroutine lnfug_vt(eos, & n, V, T, P, lnf, & dlnfdV, dlnfdT, dlnfdn, & dPdV, dPdT, dPdn & ) use yaeos__math, only: derivative_dxk_dni !! Calculate fugacity coefficent given volume and temperature. class(ArModel) :: eos !! Model real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Mixture mole numbers real(pr), intent(in) :: V !! Volume [L] real(pr), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature [K] real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: P !! Pressure [bar] real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: lnf(size(n)) !! \(\ln(\f_i)\) vector real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dlnfdT(size(n)) !! \(ln(f_i)\) Temp derivative real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dlnfdV(size(n)) !! \(ln(f_i)\) Volume derivative real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dlnfdn(size(n), size(n)) !! \(ln(f_i)\) compositional derivative real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dPdV !! \(\frac{dP}{dV}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dPdT !! \(\frac{dP}{dT}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: dPdn(:) !! \(\frac{dP}{dn_i}\) real(pr) :: Ar, ArTV, ArV, ArV2 real(pr) :: lnPhi(size(n)) !! \(\ln(\phi_i)\) vector real(pr) :: dlnPhidT(size(n)) !! \(ln(phi_i)\) Temp derivative real(pr) :: dlnPhidP(size(n)) !! \(ln(phi_i)\) Presssure derivative real(pr) :: dlnPhidn(size(n), size(n)) !! \(ln(phi_i)\) compositional derivative real(pr) :: dxk_dni(size(n), size(n)) real(pr), dimension(size(n)) :: Arn, ArVn, ArTn real(pr) :: Arn2(size(n), size(n)) real(pr) :: dPdV_in, dPdT_in, dPdn_in(size(n)) real(pr) :: P_in real(pr) :: RT, Z real(pr) :: totn integer :: nc, i, j totn = sum(n) nc = size(n) RT = R*T if (present(lnf) .and. .not. (& present(dlnfdn) & .or. present(dlnfdV) & .or. present(dlnfdT) & )) then call eos%residual_helmholtz(n, v, t, Arn=Arn, ArV=ArV) P_in = totn*RT/V - ArV where (n /= 0) lnf = log(n/totn) + Arn/RT - log(V/(totn*RT)) endwhere if (present(P)) P = P_in return else if (present(dlnfdn)) then call eos%residual_helmholtz(& n, V, T, Ar=Ar, ArV=ArV, ArV2=ArV2, ArTV=ArTV, & Arn=Arn, ArVn=ArVn, ArTn=ArTn, Arn2=Arn2 & ) else call eos%residual_helmholtz(& n, V, T, Ar=Ar, ArV=ArV, ArV2=ArV2, ArTV=ArTV, & Arn=Arn, ArVn=ArVn, ArTn=ArTn & ) end if P_in = totn*RT/V - ArV Z = P_in*V/(totn*RT) if (present(P)) P = P_in dPdV_in = -ArV2 - RT*totn/V**2 dPdT_in = -ArTV + totn*R/V dPdn_in = RT/V - ArVn if (present(lnf)) then where (n /= 0) lnf = log(n/totn) + Arn/RT - log(V/(totn*RT)) endwhere end if if (present(dlnfdV)) then dlnfdV = -dPdn_in/RT end if if (present(dlnfdT)) then dlnfdT = (ArTn - Arn/T)/RT + 1._pr/T end if if (present(dlnfdn)) then do i = 1, nc do j=1,nc dlnfdn(i, j) = Arn2(i, j)/RT end do dlnfdn(i, i) = dlnfdn(i, i) + 1/n(i) end do end if if (present(dPdV)) dPdV = dPdV_in if (present(dPdT)) dPdT = dPdT_in if (present(dPdn)) dPdn = dPdn_in end subroutine lnfug_vt subroutine enthalpy_residual_vt(eos, n, V, T, Hr, HrT, HrV, Hrn) !! Calculate residual enthalpy given volume and temperature. class(ArModel), intent(in) :: eos !! Model real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Moles number vector real(pr), intent(in) :: t !! Temperature [K] real(pr), intent(in) :: v !! Volume [L] real(pr), intent(out) :: Hr !! Residual enthalpy [bar L] real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: HrT !! \(\frac{dH^r}}{dT}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: HrV !! \(\frac{dH^r}}{dV}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: Hrn(size(n)) !! \(\frac{dH^r}}{dn}\) real(pr) :: Ar, ArV, ArT, Arn(size(n)) real(pr) :: ArV2, ArT2, ArTV, ArVn(size(n)), ArTn(size(n)) call eos%residual_helmholtz(& n, v, t, Ar=Ar, ArV=ArV, ArT=ArT, ArTV=ArTV, ArV2=ArV2, ArT2=ArT2, Arn=Arn, ArVn=ArVn, ArTn=ArTn & ) Hr = Ar - t*ArT - v*ArV if (present(HrT)) HrT = - t*ArT2 - v*ArTV if (present(HrV)) HrV = - t*ArTV - v*ArV2 if (present(HrN)) HrN(:) = Arn(:) - t*ArTn(:) - v*ArVn(:) end subroutine enthalpy_residual_vt subroutine gibbs_residual_VT(eos, n, V, T, Gr, GrT, GrV, Grn) !! Calculate residual Gibbs energy given volume and temperature. use yaeos__constants, only: R class(ArModel), intent(in) :: eos !! Model real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Moles number vector real(pr), intent(in) :: V !! Volume [L] real(pr), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature [K] real(pr), intent(out) :: Gr !! Gibbs energy [bar L] real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: GrT !! \(\frac{dG^r}}{dT}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: GrV !! \(\frac{dG^r}}{dV}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: Grn(size(n)) !! \(\frac{dG^r}}{dn}\) real(pr) :: Ar, ArV, ArT, Arn(size(n)) real(pr) :: p, dPdV, dPdT, dPdn(size(n)), z, totn totn = sum(n) call pressure(eos, n, V, T, P, dPdV=dPdV, dPdT=dPdT, dPdn=dPdn) z = P*V/(totn*R*T) call eos%residual_helmholtz(n, v, t, Ar=Ar, ArV=ArV, ArT=ArT, Arn=Arn) Gr = Ar + P*V - totn*R*T if (present(GrT)) GrT = ArT + V*dPdT - totn*R if (present(GrV)) GrV = ArV + V*dPdV + P if (present(GrN)) GrN(:) = Arn(:) + V*dPdn(:) - R*T end subroutine gibbs_residual_VT subroutine entropy_residual_vt(eos, n, V, T, Sr, SrT, SrV, Srn) !! Calculate residual entropy given volume and temperature. class(ArModel), intent(in) :: eos !! Model real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Moles number vector real(pr), intent(in) :: V !! Volume [L] real(pr), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature [K] real(pr), intent(out) :: Sr !! Entropy [bar L / K] real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: SrT !! \(\frac{dS^r}}{dT}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: SrV !! \(\frac{dS^r}}{dV}\) real(pr), optional, intent(out) :: Srn(size(n)) !! \(\frac{dS^r}}{dn}\) real(pr) :: Ar, ArT, ArT2, ArTV, ArTn(size(n)) call eos%residual_helmholtz(& n, v, t, Ar=Ar, ArT=ArT, ArTV=ArTV, ArT2=ArT2, ArTn=ArTn & ) Sr = - ArT if (present(SrT)) SrT = - ArT2 if (present(SrV)) SrV = - ArTV if (present(SrN)) SrN = - ArTn end subroutine entropy_residual_vt subroutine Cv_residual_vt(eos, n, V, T, Cv) !! Calculate residual heat capacity volume constant given v and t. class(ArModel), intent(in) :: eos !! Model real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Moles number vector real(pr), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature [K] real(pr), intent(in) :: V !! Volume [L] real(pr), intent(out) :: Cv !! heat capacity v constant [bar L / K] real(pr) :: Ar, ArT2 call eos%residual_helmholtz(n, V, T, Ar=Ar, ArT2=ArT2) Cv = -T*ArT2 end subroutine Cv_residual_vt subroutine Cp_residual_vt(eos, n, V, T, Cp) !! Calculate residual heat capacity pressure constant given v and t. use yaeos__constants, only: R class(ArModel), intent(in) :: eos !! Model real(pr), intent(in) :: n(:) !! Moles number vector real(pr), intent(in) :: V !! Volume [L] real(pr), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature [K] real(pr), intent(out) :: Cp !! heat capacity p constant [bar L / K] real(pr) :: Ar, ArT2, Cv, p, dPdT, dPdV, totn totn = sum(n) call eos%residual_helmholtz(n, V, T, Ar=Ar, ArT2=ArT2) call Cv_residual_vt(eos, n, V, T, Cv) call pressure(eos, n, V, T, P, dPdV=dPdV, dPdT=dPdT) Cp = Cv - T*dPdT**2/dPdV - totn*R end subroutine Cp_residual_vt real(pr) function Psat_pure(eos, ncomp, T) !! Calculation of saturation pressure of a pure component using the !! secant method. class(ArModel), intent(in) :: eos !! Model that will be used integer, intent(in) :: ncomp !! Number of component in the mixture from which the saturation pressure !! will be calculated real(pr), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature [K] real(pr) :: P1, P2 real(pr) :: f1, f2 real(pr) :: n(size(eos)) n = 0 n(ncomp) = 1 P1 = 0.5 P2 = 1 do while(abs(diff(P2)) > 1e-5) f1 = diff(P1) f2 = diff(P2) Psat_pure = (P1 * f2 - P2 * f1)/(f2 - f1) P1 = P2 P2 = Psat_pure end do contains real(pr) function diff(P) real(pr), intent(in) :: P real(pr) :: V_l, V_v real(pr) :: phi_v(size(eos)), phi_l(size(eos)) call eos%lnphi_pt(n, P=P, T=T, V=V_v, lnPhi=phi_v, root_type="vapor") call eos%lnphi_pt(n, P=P, T=T, V=V_l, lnPhi=phi_l, root_type="liquid") diff = phi_v(ncomp) - phi_l(ncomp) end function diff end function Psat_pure end module yaeos__models_ar