pure_saturation_line Function

public function pure_saturation_line(model, component, minP, minT) result(pt)


    • stdlib_optval

Pure saturation line

Saturation pressures and temperatures for a pure component.


This function calculates the saturation line for a pure component. Starting from the pure component critical point, the function traces the saturation line using the continuation method. The function returns a PurePsat object with the saturation temperatures and pressures. The object also contains interpolators to get the saturation temperature for a given pressure and vice versa.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(ArModel), intent(in) :: model

Thermodyanmic model

integer, intent(in) :: component

Component index to calculate the line

real(kind=pr), intent(in) :: minP

Minimum pressure [bar]

real(kind=pr), intent(in) :: minT

Minimum temperature [K]

Return Value type(PurePsat)


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=pr), public :: F(4)
real(kind=pr), public :: P
real(kind=pr), public :: Pc
real(kind=pr), public :: S
real(kind=pr), public :: T
real(kind=pr), public :: Tc
real(kind=pr), public :: Vc
real(kind=pr), public :: Vx
real(kind=pr), public :: Vy
real(kind=pr), public :: X(4)

Variables [lnVx, lnVy, lnP, lnT]

real(kind=pr), public :: dF(4,4)
real(kind=pr), public :: dFdS(4)
real(kind=pr), public :: dS
real(kind=pr), public :: dXdS(4)
integer, public :: i
integer, public :: its
integer, public :: nc
integer, public :: ns
integer, public :: points
real(kind=pr), public :: z(size(model))