Getting started

Local Installation

To install the last version of yaeos uploaded to PyPI simply do:

pip install yaeos

Building from source

To build yaeos from source you can clone the repository and install it with pip. The system dependencies are:


  • Fortran compiler

To build and install do:

git clone
cd yaeos/python
pip install .

Setting a Google Colab to use yaeos

To install yaeos on Google Colab you can do the following command to install the last version uploaded to PyPI:

%pip install yaeos

On the other hand, if you want to install the dev version of yaeos in a Google Colab and try out the new (and experimental) features you can execute the following code:

Note: do not execute the next commands if you don’t want the dev version. use the previous command instead and skip the next ones.

# Installing the dev version into a google colab
  import google.colab
  IN_COLAB = True
  IN_COLAB = False

  !git clone
  %cd yaeos
  !git checkout dev
  %pip install ./python
  %cd ..
  %rm -r yaeos