yaeos__models_ar_multifluid_parameters_gerg2008 Module


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 21) :: Bt = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 21) :: Bv = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 21) :: Fij = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 21) :: Gt = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 21) :: Gv = 0
integer, public, dimension(21) :: Kexp = 0
integer, public, dimension(21, 21) :: Kexpij = 0
integer, public, dimension(21) :: Kpol = 0
integer, public, dimension(21, 21) :: Kpolij = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21) :: M = 0
integer, public, parameter :: N = 21
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21) :: P_c = 0
real(kind=8), public :: R = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21) :: T_c = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21) :: acentric_factor = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 21, 12) :: betaij = 0
integer, public, dimension(21, 24) :: coik = 0
integer, public, dimension(21, 21, 12) :: dij = 0
integer, public, dimension(21, 24) :: doik = 0
real(kind=8), public :: eps = 1d-10
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 21, 12) :: epsij = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 21, 12) :: ethaij = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 21, 12) :: gammaij = 0
integer, public :: generalized_departure(8,2)
integer, public :: max_residual_terms = 24
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 7) :: n0i = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 21, 12) :: nij = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 24) :: noik = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 21, 4) :: red_params
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21) :: rho_c = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 7) :: th0i = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 21, 12) :: tij = 0
integer, public :: tmp1(3) = 0
integer, public :: tmp2(14) = 0
real(kind=8), public, dimension(21, 24) :: toik = 0

Derived Types

type, public ::  Gerg2008Binary


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=8), public :: Bt

Binary temperature interaction parameters

real(kind=8), public :: Bv

Binary volume interaction parameters

real(kind=8), public :: Fij
real(kind=8), public :: Gt

Binary temperature interaction parameters

real(kind=8), public :: Gv

Binary volume interaction parameters

integer, public :: Kexpij
integer, public :: Kpolij
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: betaij(:)
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: dij(:)
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: epsij(:)
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: ethaij(:)
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: gammaij(:)
integer, public :: i

Component i

integer, public :: j

Component j

real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: nij(:)
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: tij(:)

type, public ::  Gerg2008Pure


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: Kexp
integer, public :: Kpol
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: c(:)
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: d(:)
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: n(:)
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: t(:)


public subroutine get_original_parameters(ids, pures, binaries, components)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: ids(:)
type(Gerg2008Pure), intent(out) :: pures(:)
type(Gerg2008Binary), intent(out) :: binaries(:,:)
type(Substances), intent(out) :: components

public subroutine original_parameters()

Parameter table of the original GERG 2008 model

