Joback Fragmentation Model

Joback fragmentation module.

class JobackModel(subgroups: DataFrame, properties_contributions: DataFrame | None)[source]

Bases: FragmentationModel

Joback Fragmentation model dedicated to properties estimation models.

  • subgroups (pd.DataFrame) – Model’s subgroups. Index: ‘group’ (subgroups names). Mandatory columns: ‘smarts’ (SMARTS representations of the group to detect its precense in the molecule).

  • properties_contributions (pd.DataFrame, optional) – Group’s properties contributions, by default None.


Model’s subgroups. Index: ‘group’ (subgroups names). Columns: ‘smarts’ (SMARTS representations of the group to detect its precense in the molecule).




Dictionary cotaining all the rdkit Mol object from the detection_smarts subgroups column




Group’s properties contributions.



get_groups(identifier: str | ~rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, identifier_type: str = 'name', solver: ~ugropy.core.ilp_solvers.ilp_solver.ILPSolver = <class 'ugropy.core.ilp_solvers.default_solver.DefaultSolver'>, search_multiple_solutions: bool = False, normal_boiling_point: float = None) JobackFragmentationResult | List[JobackFragmentationResult][source]

Get Jobacks groups from a molecule.

  • identifier (Union[str, Chem.rdchem.Mol]) – Identifier of the molecule. You can use either the name of the molecule, the SMILEs of the molecule or a rdkit Mol object.

  • identifier_type (str, optional) – Identifier type of the molecule. Use “name” if you are providing the molecules’ name, “smiles” if you are providing the SMILES or “mol” if you are providing a rdkir mol object, by default “name”

  • solver (ILPSolver, optional) – ILP solver class, by default DefaultSolver

  • search_multiple_solutions (bool, optional) – Weather search for multiple solutions or not, by default False If False the return will be a FragmentationResult object, if True the return will be a list of FragmentationResult objects.

  • normal_boiling_point (float, optional) – Experimental normal boiling point of the molecule on Kelvin. Its used to improve the properties calculations. Joback uses the estimated normal boiling point if no provided, by default None


Fragmentation result. If search_multiple_solutions is False the return will be a FragmentationResult object, if True the return will be a list of FragmentationResult objects.

Return type:

Union[JobackFragmentationResult, List[JobackFragmentationResult]]