module.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~module.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~module.f90 module.f90 sourcefile~constans.f90 constans.f90 sourcefile~module.f90->sourcefile~constans.f90

Source Code

module data

   use constants, only: pr

   !use types, only: FluidData

   implicit none
   integer :: nv, nv1, nNcut, nNdef
   real(pr) :: Zplus


   subroutine data_in (Nfluid,Oil,Ncut,Ndef,DefComp,zdef,rMdef,rCN,zcomp,rMW,&
      Den,Plus, rMWplus, DenPlus,Nps,wat,watPlus,zM,zMp,Z6p,sumV,w, rn )

      implicit none

      integer, parameter :: maxD=15, imax=48
      integer :: i,j!, nv1
      integer :: file_unit_1, file_unit_2, file_unit_3, Nfluid, Ncut, Ndef, Nps
      integer, dimension(330) :: rCN
      real(pr), dimension(maxD) :: zdef, rMdef
      real(pr), dimension(imax) :: zcomp, rMW, Den, wat, zM, zMdef, w, rn,MWt
      real(pr) :: rMWplus, DenPlus , watPlus, zMp, Z6p, sumV, zMtotal
      character(len=30) :: infile, outfile
      character(len=7) :: Oil, Plus
      character(len=4) :: DefComp(maxD)

      write(*,*) '1: YES   2: NO'
      read(*,*) nv

      write(*,*) 'ENTER THE VERSION NUMBER'
      write(*,*) '1: C.M   2: CMplus'
      read(*,*) nv1

      !nv2 = nv1

      ! open input file
      write(*,*) 'ENTER INFILE'
      read(*,*) infile
      write(*, *) "READING INFILE: " // infile
      open(newunit=file_unit_1, file =infile)
      write(*,*) 'ENTER OUTFILE'
      read(*,*) outfile
      open(newunit=file_unit_2, file = outfile)
      open(newunit=file_unit_3, file = 'TfPsatIn.txt')
      ! read input file:read number fluid, single carbon number for each fluid.
      read(file_unit_1,*) Nfluid
      do j = 1, Nfluid
         read (file_unit_1,*) Oil
         read (file_unit_1,*) Ncut, Ndef
      end do

      nNcut = Ncut
      nNdef = Ndef

      ! read defined compounds with  molar fraction and M by fluid j and compound i.
      do i = 1, Ndef
         read(file_unit_1,*) DefComp(i), zdef(i), rMdef(i)
      end do
      ! read carbon number and molar fraction of fluid j and comp. i
      do i = 1, Ncut
         read(file_unit_1,*) rCN(i), zcomp(i), rMW(i),Den(i)
      end do

      read(file_unit_1,*) Plus, zPlus, rMWplus, DenPlus ! plus fraction properties
      read (file_unit_1,*) Nps !number of pseudos for the C20+ fraction
      read (file_unit_1,*) wat(1:Ndef+Ncut),watPlus ! atmospheric oil weight fractions

      !zpl  =  zPlus ! added by oscar
      ! There get Zi*Mi and volume from cut to plus fraction

      zMdef(1:Ndef) = zdef(1:Ndef)*rMdef(1:Ndef)
      zM(1:Ncut) = zcomp(1:Ncut) * rMW(1:Ncut)
      zMp = zPlus * rMWplus
      zMtotal = sum(zMdef(1:Ndef)) + sum(zM(1:Ncut)) + zMp
      w(1:Ndef) = zMdef(1:Ndef) / zMtotal
      w(Ndef+1:Ndef+Ncut) = zM(1:Ncut) / zMtotal
      w(Ndef+Ncut+1) = zMp / zMtotal
      rn(1:Ndef) = zdef(1:Ndef)/zMtotal
      Z6p = sum(zcomp(1:Ncut)) + zPlus
      sumV = sum(zM(1:Ncut)/Den(1:Ncut)) + zMp/DenPlus

      !agregado para calcular el peso molecular global
      !MWt(1:Ndef) = rMdef(1:Ndef)
      !MWt(Ndef+1:Ndef+Ncut) = rMW(1:Ncut)

      !do i= 1, Ndef+Ncut
      !    print*, MWt(i)
      !end do

      !print*, Zplus
   end subroutine data_in

end module data

module routines_pre

   use constants, only: pr
   !use dtypes, only: FluidDataOut
   use data


   subroutine Linear_Regression(x,y,a,b,r2)
      !! This subroutine computes the regression line for a data set of x, y variables.
      implicit none

      integer ::  i
      integer ::  n !! total number of data set.
      real(pr), allocatable, intent(in) :: x(:) !! x: input array of length n which contains the set of independent variable
      real(pr), allocatable, intent(in) :: y(:) !! y: input array of length n which contains the set of dependent variable
      real(pr) :: t1,t2,t3,t4, aux1,aux2,aux3,aux4,aux5 ! internal variables
      real(pr), intent(out) :: a !! a: output real variable. Slope of the regression line
      real(pr), intent(out) :: b !! b: output real variable. Intercept of the regression line
      real(pr), intent(out) :: r2 !! r2: output real variable. Square correlation coefficient

      n = size(x)
      !Calculation of a y b --> y=a*x+b

      do i=1,n
      end do

      !coefficient calculation of correlations r2

      do i=1, n
         aux1= aux1 + x(i)*y(i)
         aux2= aux2 + x(i)
         aux3= aux3 + y(i)
         aux4= aux4 + x(i)**2
         aux5= aux5 + y(i)**2
      end do

      r2=(aux1-aux2*aux3/n)**2 /((aux4-aux2**2/n)*(aux5-aux3**2/n))

   end subroutine Linear_Regression

   subroutine Best_Linear_Regression(scn_nc,scn,scn_z,plus_z,a,b,r2,ninit)
      !! This subroutine calculates the best regression line for an oil.
      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: scn_nc !! integer input variable set to the total number of single cuts being considered in the oil
      integer, allocatable, intent(in) :: scn(:) !! set of singles cuts being considered in the oil
      integer :: i, j, k , kold, nbest, xaux,cbmax ! internal variables
      real, allocatable, intent(in) :: scn_z(:) !! set of corresponding mole fractions of scn cuts
      real(pr), intent(in) :: plus_z
      real(pr), intent(out) :: a !! output real variable. Slope of the best regression line.
      real(pr), intent(out) :: b !! output real variable. Intercept of the best regression line.
      real(pr), intent(out) :: r2 !! output real variable. Square correlation coefficient.
      integer, intent(out) :: ninit !! minimum carbon number obtained from the best linear regression
      real(pr), allocatable ::  xBR(:), yBR(:)
      real(pr) :: r2old,r2best, aold, bold, abest, bbest, zsum,zaux



      do while (

         if ( then
         end if

         if ( then
            if (
               go to 22
               go to 22
            end if
         end if


         do i=scn_nc-k+1, scn_nc
         end do

         call LinearRegression(xBR(:k), yBR(:k), a, b, r2)
      end do


        22    continue

      zsum = 0d0

      do while (<300)
         zaux= exp(a*xaux+b)
      end do


      print*, a, b, cbmax, r2, Ninit

   end subroutine Best_Linear_Regression

   subroutine get_C(start,C,Ncut,rCN,zM,zMp,Z6p,a,b,rMp,maxC,z,zpi,zMpi,Ndef,zp,w,rn,rMWplus,zcomp,zdef)

      implicit none

      integer, parameter :: imax=48, maxD=15
      logical :: start
      real(pr) :: C, Z6p, zMp, a, b, rMp, rMWplus
      real(pr) :: aux, dold, dif, Cold,zp
      real(pr), dimension(imax) :: zM  ! inputs coming from main program
      integer, dimension(imax) :: rCN ! inputs coming from main program
      real(pr), dimension(imax) :: z, rM,w,rn, zcomp
      integer :: Ncut, maxC, Ndef
      real(pr), dimension(300):: zpi, zMpi
      real(pr), dimension(maxD) :: zdef

      !write(*,*) 'ENTER THE VERSION NUMBER'
      !write(*,*) '1: CMOD   2: CMM'
      !read(*,*) nv


         ! Find the C value for molecular weights line
         C = 13.0  ! initial guess
         Start = .true.
         rMp = rMWplus

         call difMpfromC(start,C,Ncut,rCN,zM,zMp,Z6p,dold,a,b,rMp,maxC,z,zpi,zMpi,zcomp,zdef,zp)
         Cold = C
         C = min(12.8,C-0.07)
         Start = .false.

         call difMpfromC(start,C,Ncut,rCN,zM,zMp,Z6p,dif,a,b,rMp,maxC,z,zpi,zMpi,zcomp,zdef,zp)

         do while (abs(dif) > 0.1)
            aux = C
            C = C - dif*(C-Cold)/(dif-dold)
            Cold = aux
            dold = dif
            call difMpfromC(start,C,Ncut,rCN,zM,zMp,Z6p,dif,a,b,rMp,maxC,z,zpi,zMpi,zcomp,zdef,zp)
         end do

         !print*, C,maxC, rMp


         ! Find the C value for molecular weights line
         C = 14.0  ! initial guess  and maximum C allowed
         Start = .true.
         rMp = rMWplus

         call difMpfromCfull (Start,C,Ndef,Ncut,rCN,dold,a,b,rM,rMp,maxC,z,zp,zpi,zMpi,w,rn,zcomp,zdef)
         Cold = C
         C =  13.5 !min(12.8,C-0.07)
         Start = .false.

         call difMpfromCfull (Start,C,Ndef,Ncut,rCN,dif,a,b,rM,rMp,maxC,z,zp,zpi,zMpi,w,rn, zcomp,zdef)

         do while (abs(dif) > 0.1)
            aux = C
            C = C - dif*(C-Cold)/(dif-dold)
            Cold = aux
            dold = dif
            call difMpfromCfull (Start,C,Ndef,Ncut,rCN,dif,a,b,rM,rMp,maxC,z,zp,zpi,zMpi,w,rn,zcomp,zdef)
         end do

         !print*, C, maxC, rMp, zp

      end if

   end subroutine get_C

   subroutine difMpfromC(start,C,Ncut,rCN,zM,zMp,Z6p,dif,a,b,rMp,maxC,z,zpi,zMpi,zcomp,zdef,zp)

      use data

      implicit none

      integer, parameter :: imax=48,  maxD=15
      logical :: start
      real(pr) :: C, Z6p, zMp, dif, a, b, rMp, zp,aBE,bBE,r2, alim, blim, half
      real(pr) :: a60,b60, sumz, rMpcalc
      real(pr), dimension(imax) :: zM   ! inputs coming from main program
      integer, dimension(imax) :: rCN,x   ! inputs coming from main program
      real(pr), dimension(imax) :: ylog, rM, z, zcomp
      integer :: i, Ncut, maxC, i0, CmaxL, C60max
      real(pr), dimension(300):: zpi, zMpi
      real(pr), dimension(maxD) :: zdef

      ! 1       i0 = rCN(Ncut)

      i = 300
      sumz = -1
      do while (i==300.and.sumz<Zp)
         i0 = rCN(Ncut)

         if(nv == 1)then !introduce 'if' to choise where experimental data from
            x = rCN
            ylog = log(zcomp)
            zp = 1 - sum(zdef(1:nNdef)) - sum(zcomp(1:nNcut))
            !zp = zpl
         end if

         if(nv == 2)then
            rM(1:Ncut) = 84 + C*(rCN(1:Ncut)-6)
            z(1:Ncut) = zM(1:Ncut) / rM(1:Ncut)
            Zp = Z6p - sum(z(1:Ncut)) ! new molar fraction for residual cut, based on C
            rMp = zMp / Zp
            x = rCN
            ylog = log(z)
         end if

         print*, zp

         call BestLinearRegression(Ncut,x,ylog,Zp,aBE,bBE,r2)
         call LimitLine(Ncut,rCN,Zp,aBE,bBE,half,alim,blim,CmaxL)
         call LineC60max (Ncut,Zp,rCN,aBE,bBE,half,a60,b60,C60max)

         if(aBE < alim)then ! added by oscar 05/12/ elimina por que se agregan las restriccones para C>12 y C<12.
            a = alim
            b = blim
            !call LineC60max (Ncut,Zp,rCN,aBE,bBE,half,a60,b60,C60max)
            if(aBE > a60)then
               a = a60
               b = b60
               a = aBE
               b = bBE
            end if
         end if

         sumz = 0.0d0
         i = 0
         do while (sumz<Zp.and.i<300)
            i = i+1
            zpi(i) = exp(a*(i+i0)+b)
            sumz = sumz + zpi(i)
            zMpi(i) = zpi(i)*(84+C*(i+i0-6))
         end do

         if(start) C = C - 0.07 ! modificado por fede
         if(.not.start) C = C - 0.01

      end do
      !   Adjustment to Zp (z20+)
      zpi(i) = zpi(i) - (sumz-Zp)
      zMpi(i) = zpi(i)*(84+C*(i+i0-6))
      ! ===============================
      rMpcalc = sum(zMpi(1:i))/Zp
      dif = rMpcalc-rMp
      maxC = i+i0

   end subroutine difMpfromC

   subroutine difMpfromCfull(Start,C,Ndef,Ncut,rCN,dif,a,b,rM,rMp,maxC,z,zp,zpi,zMpi,w,rn,zcomp,zdef)

      !use MassFracAndMoles, only: w,rn
      use data
      implicit none

      integer, parameter :: imax=48, maxD=15
      logical :: start
      real(pr) :: C, dif, a, b, rMp, zp ,aBE ,bBE ,r2 , alim, blim, half
      real(pr) :: a60,b60, sumz, rMpcalc, rntot, aold
      integer, dimension(imax) :: rCN,x   ! inputs coming from main program
      real(pr), dimension(imax) :: ylog, rM, z, w, rn, zcomp, ztotal
      integer :: i,Ndef, Ncut, maxC, i0, CmaxL, C60max
      real(pr), dimension(300):: zpi, zMpi
      real(pr), dimension(maxD) :: zdef

        1     i0 = rCN(Ncut)

      if(nv == 1)then !introduce 'if' to choise where experimental data from
         x = rCN
         ylog = log(zcomp)
         zp = 1 - sum(zdef(1:nNdef)) - sum(zcomp(1:nNcut))
         !zp = zpl

      end if

      if(nv == 2)then
         rM(1:Ncut) = 84 + C*(rCN(1:Ncut)-6)
         rn(Ndef+1:Ndef+Ncut) = w(Ndef+1:Ndef+Ncut)/rM(1:Ncut)
         rn(Ndef+Ncut+1) = w(Ndef+Ncut+1)/rMp
         rntot = sum(rn(1:Ndef+Ncut+1))
         ztotal(1:Ndef+Ncut) = rn(1:Ndef+Ncut) / rntot
         z(1:Ncut) = rn(Ndef+1:Ndef+Ncut) / rntot
         Zp = rn(Ndef+Ncut+1) / rntot
         x = rCN
         ylog = log(z)
      end if
      !print*, zp
      !print*, z

      call BestLinearRegression(Ncut,x,ylog,Zp,aBE,bBE,r2)
      call LimitLine(Ncut,rCN,Zp,aBE,bBE,half,alim,blim,CmaxL)
      call LineC60max (Ncut,Zp,rCN,aBE,bBE,half,a60,b60,C60max)

      if(aBE < alim)then !, para C se excede el valor de 14 en la mayoria de los casos.
         a = alim
         b = blim
         !call LineC60max (Ncut,Zp,rCN,aBE,bBE,half,a60,b60,C60max)
         if(aBE > a60)then
            a = a60
            b = b60
            a = aBE
            b = bBE
         end if
      end if

      sumz = 0.0d0
      i = 0
      do while (sumz<Zp.and.i<300)
         i = i+1
         zpi(i) = exp(a*(i+i0)+b)
         sumz = sumz + zpi(i)
         zMpi(i) = zpi(i)*(84+C*(i+i0-6))
      end do
      !agregar condicion cuando C = 14 o C = 12 no olvidar consultar con martin
         if(start) C = C - 0.07
         if(.not.start) C = C - 0.01
         go to 1
      end if

      !    do while (i<40.and.a>alim) eliminado por oscar 20/03/2024
      !        aold = a
      !        a = max(1.0001*a, alim)
      !        b = b - (a-aold)*19.51
      !        sumz = 0.0d0
      !        i = 0
      !        do while (sumz<Zp.and.i<300)
      !            i = i+1
      !            zpi(i) = exp(a*(i+i0)+b)
      !            sumz = sumz + zpi(i)
      !            zMpi(i) = zpi(i)*(84+C*(i+i0-6))
      !        end do
      !    end do

      !   Adjustment to Zp (z20+)
      zpi(i) = zpi(i) - (sumz-Zp)
      zMpi(i) = zpi(i)*(84+C*(i+i0-6))
      ! ===============================
      rMpcalc = sum(zMpi(1:i))/Zp
      dif = rMpcalc-rMp
      maxC = i+i0

   end subroutine difMpfromCfull

   subroutine LimitLine(Ncut,rCN,Zp,aBE,bBE,half,alim,blim,Cmax)
      !This subroutine obtains the limit line constants for an oil.
      !Ncut: integer input number of single cuts being considered in the oil.
      !rCN: input array which contains the set of carbon numbers.
      !Zp: input mole fractions of the residual fraction.
      !aBE & bBE: input constants from the Best Extrapolation
      !alim: output real variable. Slope of the limit line.
      !blim: output real variable. Intercept of the limit line.
      !Cmax: output CN at which Zp is reached, as the summation of single z(i) from the limit distribution.

      implicit none

      integer, parameter :: imax=48
      integer::  Ncut, xaux,Cmax
      integer, dimension(imax) :: rCN
      real(pr) :: Zp,aBE,bBE,half,alim,blim, zlim, crossCN, zcross, zaux

      !A and B limit calculation.
      zlim = 0.d0
      half = 0.506d0

      do while (
         half = half + 0.002d0
         crossCN = rCN(Ncut)+half   ! typically 19.508 in first try
         zcross = exp(aBE*crossCN + bBE)
         alim = -zcross/Zp
         blim = log(zcross)-alim*crossCN
         zlim = 0.d0
         do while (<300)
            zaux= exp(alim*xaux+blim)
         end do
      end do

      Cmax = xaux
      !print*, alim,blim,Cmax
   end subroutine LimitLine

   subroutine LineC60max (Ncut,Zp,rCN,aBE,bBE,half,a60,b60,C60max)
      !This subroutine obtains the Cmax60 line constants for an oil.
      !Ncut: integer input number of single cuts being considered in the oil.
      !rCN: input array which contains the set of carbon numbers.
      !Zp: input mole fractions of the residual fraction.
      !aBE & bBE: input constants from the Best Extrapolation
      !a60: output real variable. Slope of the limit line.
      !b60: output real variable. Intercept of the limit line.
      !C60max: output CN at which Zp is reached, as the summation of single z(i) from the Cmax60 distribution.
      implicit none
      integer, parameter :: imax=48
      integer::  Ncut,xaux,C60max
      integer, dimension(imax) :: rCN
      real(pr) :: Zp,aBE,bBE,half,a60,b60, zsum, crossCN, zcross, zaux, Ftol, atol, range
      real(pr) :: a_old, Zp60, F, dFdA

      crossCN = rCN(Ncut)+half   ! typically 19.51
      zcross= exp(aBE*crossCN+bBE)
      range = 60.5d0 - crossCN

      do while (
         Zp60 = (exp(a60*range+log(zcross))-zcross)/a60
         F = Zp - Zp60
         !dFdA = - (60.5*(a60*Zp60+zcross)-Zp60) / a60
         dFdA = - (range*(a60*Zp60+zcross)-Zp60) / a60
      end do


      do while (
         zaux= exp(a60*xaux+b60)
      end do

      !print*, a60,b60,C60max

   end subroutine LineC60max

   subroutine GetNewMpfromC(start,C,Ncut,rCN,zM,zMp,Z6p,a,b,rMp,maxC,z,zpi,zMpi,Ndef,zp,w,rn,rMWplus,zcomp,zdef,rMW,rMdef,Mglobal)
      !! this subroutines for a C value returns the correponding  new M20+ value

      implicit none

      integer, parameter :: imax=48, maxD=15
      logical :: start
      real(pr) :: C, Z6p, zMp, a, b, rMp, rMWplus,Mglobal
      real(pr) :: aux, dold, dif, rMpold,zp
      real(pr), dimension(imax) :: zM  ! inputs coming from main program
      integer, dimension(imax) :: rCN ! inputs coming from main program
      real(pr), dimension(imax) :: z, rM,w,rn, zcomp,rMW
      integer :: Ncut, maxC, Ndef
      real(pr), dimension(300):: zpi, zMpi
      real(pr), dimension(maxD) :: zdef,rMdef


         ! Find the new rMp for a fixed C constant
         !C = 14  ! fixed value
         call difMpfromC(start,C,Ncut,rCN,zM,zMp,Z6p,dif,a,b,rMp,maxC,z,zpi,zMpi,zcomp,zdef,zp)

         !print*, C, maxC, rMp


         ! Find the new rMp for a fixed C constant
         !C = 14  ! fixed value
         Start = .true.
         rMp = rMWplus !inicial guess

         call difnewMp(Start,C,Ndef,Ncut,rCN,dold,a,b,rM,rMp,maxC,z,zp,zpi,zMpi,w,rn,zcomp,zdef,rMW,rMdef,Mglobal)
         rMpold = rMp
         rMp = 0.9*rMp
         Start = .false.

         call difnewMp(Start,C,Ndef,Ncut,rCN,dif,a,b,rM,rMp,maxC,z,zp,zpi,zMpi,w,rn,zcomp,zdef,rMW,rMdef, Mglobal)

         do while (abs(dif) > 0.00001)
            aux = rMp
            rMp = rMp - dif*(rMp-rMpold)/(dif-dold)
            rMpold = aux
            dold = dif
            call difnewMp(Start,C,Ndef,Ncut,rCN,dif,a,b,rM,rMp,maxC,z,zp,zpi,zMpi,w,rn,zcomp,zdef,rMW,rMdef, Mglobal)
         end do

         !print*, C, maxC, rMp
         !print*, zp , z6p
         !print*, z, zp
      end if

   end subroutine GetNewMpfromC

   subroutine difnewMp(Start,C,Ndef,Ncut,rCN,dif,a,b,rM,rMp,maxC,z,zp,zpi,zMpi,w,rn,zcomp,zdef,rMW,rMdef, Mglobal)
      !! this subroutines for a C value returns the correponding Mp value
      !use MassFracAndMoles, only: w,rn
      use data
      implicit none

      integer, parameter :: imax=48, maxD=15
      logical :: start
      real(pr) :: C, dif, a, b, rMp, zp ,aBE ,bBE ,r2 , alim, blim, half
      real(pr) :: a60,b60, sumz, rMpcalc, rntot, aold, Mglobal
      integer, dimension(imax) :: rCN,x   ! inputs coming from main program
      real(pr), dimension(imax) :: ylog, rM, z, w, rn, zcomp, ztotal,rMW, MWt
      integer :: i,Ndef, Ncut, maxC, i0, CmaxL, C60max
      real(pr), dimension(300):: zpi, zMpi,ZM_1
      real(pr), dimension(maxD) :: zdef,rMdef

        1     i0 = rCN(Ncut)

      if(nv == 1)then !introduce 'if' to choise where experimental data from
         x = rCN
         rn(Ndef+1:Ndef+Ncut) = w(Ndef+1:Ndef+Ncut)/rMW(1:Ncut)
         rn(Ndef+Ncut+1) = w(Ndef+Ncut+1)/rMp
         rntot = sum(rn(1:Ndef+Ncut+1))
         ztotal(1:Ndef+Ncut)  = rn(1:Ndef+Ncut) / rntot
         z(1:Ncut) = rn(Ndef+1:Ndef+Ncut) / rntot
         Zp = rn(Ndef+Ncut+1) / rntot
         !ylog = log(zcomp)
         ylog = log(z)

         !calculo m global
         MWt(1:Ndef) = rMdef(1:Ndef)
         MWt(Ndef+1:Ndef+Ncut) = rMW(1:Ncut)
         ZM_1(1:Ndef+Ncut) =  ztotal(1:Ndef+Ncut)*MWt(1:Ndef+Ncut)

         !do i= 1, Ndef+Ncut
         !    print*, MWt(i)
         !end do

      end if

      if(nv == 2)then
         rM(1:Ncut) = 84 + C*(rCN(1:Ncut)-6)
         rn(Ndef+1:Ndef+Ncut) = w(Ndef+1:Ndef+Ncut)/rM(1:Ncut)
         rn(Ndef+Ncut+1) = w(Ndef+Ncut+1)/rMp
         rntot = sum(rn(1:Ndef+Ncut+1))
         ztotal(1:Ndef+Ncut)  = rn(1:Ndef+Ncut) / rntot
         z(1:Ncut) = rn(Ndef+1:Ndef+Ncut) / rntot
         Zp = rn(Ndef+Ncut+1) / rntot
         x = rCN
         ylog = log(z)
         !calculo m global
         MWt(1:Ndef) = rMdef(1:Ndef)
         MWt(Ndef+1:Ndef+Ncut) = rM(1:Ncut)
         ZM_1(1:Ndef+Ncut) =  ztotal(1:Ndef+Ncut)*MWt(1:Ndef+Ncut)

         !do i= 1, Ndef+Ncut
         !    print*, MWt(i)
         !end do

      end if
      !print*, zp
      !print*, ztotal

      call BestLinearRegression(Ncut,x,ylog,Zp,aBE,bBE,r2)
      call LimitLine(Ncut,rCN,Zp,aBE,bBE,half,alim,blim,CmaxL)
      call LineC60max (Ncut,Zp,rCN,aBE,bBE,half,a60,b60,C60max)

      if(aBE < alim)then !, para C se excede el valor de 14 en la mayoria de los casos.
         a = alim
         b = blim
         !call LineC60max (Ncut,Zp,rCN,aBE,bBE,half,a60,b60,C60max)
         if(aBE > a60)then
            a = a60
            b = b60
            a = aBE
            b = bBE
         end if
      end if

      sumz = 0.0d0
      i = 0
      do while (sumz<Zp.and.i<300)
         i = i+1
         zpi(i) = exp(a*(i+i0)+b)
         sumz = sumz + zpi(i)
         zMpi(i) = zpi(i)*(84+C*(i+i0-6))
      end do
      !agregar condicion cuando C = 14 o C = 12 no olvidar consultar con martin
         if(start) C = C - 0.07
         if(.not.start) C = C - 0.01
         go to 1
      end if

      do while (i<40.and.a>alim)
         aold = a
         a = max(1.0001*a, alim)
         b = b - (a-aold)*19.51
         sumz = 0.0d0
         i = 0
         do while (sumz<Zp.and.i<300)
            i = i+1
            zpi(i) = exp(a*(i+i0)+b)
            sumz = sumz + zpi(i)
            zMpi(i) = zpi(i)*(84+C*(i+i0-6))
         end do
      end do

      !   Adjustment to Zp (z20+)
      zpi(i) = zpi(i) - (sumz-Zp)
      zMpi(i) = zpi(i)*(84+C*(i+i0-6))
      ! ===============================
      rMpcalc = sum(zMpi(1:i))/Zp
      dif = rMpcalc-rMp
      maxC = i+i0

      ! calculo del peso molecular global
      Mglobal =  sum(ZM_1(1:Ndef+Ncut))+ sum(zMpi(1:i))
      !rint*, Mglobal
      !print*, maxC

      !do i = 1, maxC-i0
      !    print*, zpi(i)
      !end do
      !print*, '----------'
      !do i = 1, Ndef+Ncut
      !    print*, ztotal(i)
      !end do

   end subroutine difnewMp

end module routines_pre