module pruebas use constants use data_from_input, only: data_from_file, FluidData contains subroutine Linear_Regression(x,y,a,b,r2) !! This subroutine computes the regression line for a data set of x, y variables. implicit none integer :: i integer :: n !! total number of data set. real(pr), intent(in) :: x(:) !! x: input array of length n which contains the set of independent variable real(pr), intent(in) :: y(:) !! y: input array of length n which contains the set of dependent variable real(pr) :: t1,t2,t3,t4, aux1,aux2,aux3,aux4,aux5 ! internal variables real(pr), intent(out) :: a !! a: output real variable. Slope of the regression line real(pr), intent(out) :: b !! b: output real variable. Intercept of the regression line real(pr), intent(out) :: r2 !! r2: output real variable. Square correlation coefficient n = size(x) !Calculation of a y b --> y=a*x+b t1=0.;t2=0.;t3=0.;t4=0.; do i=1,n t1=t1+x(i)*y(i) t2=t2+x(i) t3=t3+y(i) t4=t4+x(i)**2 end do a=(n*t1-t2*t3)/(n*t4-t2**2) b=(t3-a*t2)/n !coefficient calculation of correlations r2 aux1=0.;aux2=0.;aux3=0.;aux4=0.;aux5=0.; do i=1, n aux1= aux1 + x(i)*y(i) aux2= aux2 + x(i) aux3= aux3 + y(i) aux4= aux4 + x(i)**2 aux5= aux5 + y(i)**2 end do r2=(aux1-aux2*aux3/n)**2 /((aux4-aux2**2/n)*(aux5-aux3**2/n)) end subroutine Linear_Regression subroutine Best_Linear_Regression(scn_nc,scn,scn_z,plus_z,a,b,r2,n_init,c_max_blr) !! This subroutine calculates the best regression line for an oil. implicit none integer, intent(in) :: scn_nc !! integer input variable set to the total number of single cuts being considered in the oil integer, allocatable, intent(in) :: scn(:) !! set of singles cuts being considered in the oil integer, intent(out) :: c_max_blr !! output CN at which plus_z is reached, as the summation of single z(i) from the best linear distribution (blr) real(pr), allocatable, intent(in) :: scn_z(:) !! set of corresponding mole fractions of scn cuts real(pr), intent(in) :: plus_z !! composition of residual fraction from input file real(pr), intent(out) :: a !! output real variable. Slope of the best regression line. real(pr), intent(out) :: b !! output real variable. Intercept of the best regression line. real(pr), intent(out) :: r2 !! output real variable. Square correlation coefficient. integer, intent(out) :: n_init !! minimum carbon number obtained from the best linear regression integer :: i, j, k , k_old, n_best, x_aux ! internal variables real(pr), dimension(scn_nc) :: x_blr, y_blr real(pr) :: r2_old,r2_best, a_old, b_old, a_best, b_best, z_sum, z_aux k=5 r2=0.0001_pr r2_old=0.00001_pr r2_best=0.0001_pr do while ( k_old=k r2_old=r2 a_old=a b_old=b if ( then r2_best=r2 a_best=a b_best=b n_best=scn(scn_nc-k+2) end if if ( then if ( n_init=scn(scn_nc-k+2) go to 22 else r2=r2_best a=a_best b=b_best n_init=n_best go to 22 end if end if j=1 x_blr=0. y_blr=0. do i=scn_nc-k+1, scn_nc x_blr(j)=scn(i) y_blr(j)=scn_z(i) j=j+1 end do call Linear_Regression(x_blr(:k), y_blr(:k), a, b, r2) k=k+1 end do r2=r2_old a=a_old b=b_old n_init=scn(scn_nc-k_old+2) 22 continue z_sum = 0d0 x_aux=scn(scn_nc) do while (<300) x_aux=x_aux+1 z_aux= exp(a*x_aux+b) z_sum=z_sum+z_aux end do c_max_blr=x_aux !print*, a, b, c_max_blr, r2, n_init end subroutine Best_Linear_Regression subroutine LimitLine(scn_nc,scn,plus_z,a_blr,b_blr,a_lim,b_lim,c_max_lim,half) !! This subroutine obtains the limit line constants for an oil. implicit none integer, intent(in) :: scn_nc !! integer input variable set to the total number of single cuts being considered in the oil integer, allocatable, intent(in) :: scn(:) !! set of singles cuts being considered in the oil integer, intent(out) :: c_max_lim !! output CN at which plus_z is reached, as the summation of single z(i) from the limit distribution (blr) real(pr), intent(in) :: a_blr !! input constant from the Best linear regression real(pr), intent(in) :: b_blr !! input constant from the Best linear regression real(pr), intent(in) :: plus_z !! composition of residual fraction from input file real(pr), intent(out) :: a_lim !! output real variable. Slope of the limit line real(pr), intent(out) :: b_lim !! output real variable. Intercept of the limit line. real(pr), intent(out) :: half real(pr) :: z_lim, cross_cn, z_cross, z_aux ! cn: carbon number integer :: x_aux !A and B limit calculation. z_lim = 0.0_pr half = 0.506_pr ! modified by oscar, the variable half was removed fron the argument !print*, scn do while ( half = half + 0.002d0 cross_cn = scn(scn_nc)+half ! typically 19.508 in first try z_cross = exp((a_blr*cross_cn) + b_blr) a_lim = -(z_cross)/plus_z b_lim = log(z_cross)-(a_lim*cross_cn) x_aux=scn(scn_nc) z_lim = 0._pr do while (<300) x_aux=x_aux+1 z_aux= exp(a_lim*x_aux+b_lim) z_lim=z_lim+z_aux end do continue end do c_max_lim = x_aux !print*, a_lim,b_lim,c_max_lim end subroutine LimitLine subroutine Line_C60_max (scn_nc,scn,plus_z,a_blr,b_blr,half,a_60,b_60,c_max_60) !! This subroutine obtains the Cmax60 line constants for an oil implicit none integer, intent(in) :: scn_nc !! integer input variable set to the total number of single cuts being considered in the oil integer, allocatable, intent(in) :: scn(:) !! set of singles cuts being considered in the oil integer, intent(out) :: c_max_60 !!output CN at which Zp is reached, as the summation of single z(i) from the Cmax60 distribution. real(pr), intent(in) :: a_blr !! input constant from the Best linear regression real(pr), intent(in) :: b_blr !! input constant from the Best linear regression real(pr), intent(in) :: plus_z !! composition of residual fraction from input file real(pr), intent(out) :: a_60 !! output real variable. Slope of the limit line real(pr), intent(out) :: b_60 !! output real variable. Intercept of the C60max line. real(pr), intent(in) :: half integer :: x_aux real(pr) :: z_sum, cross_cn, z_cross, z_aux, F_tol, a_tol, var_range real(pr) :: a_old, Zp_60, F, dF_dA cross_cn = scn(scn_nc)+half ! typically 19.51 z_cross= exp((a_blr*cross_cn)+b_blr) F_tol=1_pr a_tol=1_pr a_60=a_blr var_range = 60.5_pr - cross_cn do while ( a_old=a_60 Zp_60 = (exp(a_60*var_range+log(z_cross))-z_cross)/a_60 F = plus_z - Zp_60 dF_dA = - (var_range*(a_60*Zp_60+z_cross)-Zp_60) / a_60 ! modified by oscar, error in the derivative in previous version is corrected a_60=a_old-(F/dF_dA) a_tol=abs(a_old-a_60) F_tol=abs(F) end do b_60=log(z_cross)-a_60*cross_cn z_sum=0.0_pr x_aux=scn(scn_nc) do while ( x_aux=x_aux+1 z_aux= exp(a_60*x_aux+b_60) z_sum=z_sum+z_aux end do c_max_60=x_aux !print*, a_60,b_60,c_max_60 end subroutine Line_C60_max subroutine select_method(oil,mw_source,method,C,log_scn_z,plus_z,plus_mw) implicit none type(FluidData) :: oil !character(len=*), intent(in) :: file !! file name character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: method character(len=*), intent(in) :: mw_source real(pr), allocatable :: scn_mw(:) !! set to molecular weights calculated by \[M = 84-C(i-6)\] real(pr) :: C !! C constants which is used in equation \[M = 84-C(i-6)\] real(pr), allocatable :: scn_z(:) !! set of corresponding calculated mole fractions of scn cuts real(pr) :: sum_def_comp_z_plus !! compositions sum from (define component +1) to (plus component) real(pr), intent(out) :: plus_z !! composition of residual fraction from input file real(pr) :: plus_mw !! calculated molecular weight of residual fraction real(pr), allocatable, intent(out) :: log_scn_z(:) !! logarithm of corresponding mole fractions of scn cuts real(pr), allocatable :: def_comp_moles(:) real(pr), allocatable :: scn_moles(:) real(pr) :: plus_moles real(pr) :: total_moles !oil = data_from_file(file) allocate(scn_z(oil%scn_nc)) allocate(scn_mw(oil%scn_nc)) allocate(log_scn_z(oil%scn_nc)) allocate(def_comp_moles(oil%def_comp_nc)) allocate(scn_moles(oil%scn_nc)) def_comp_moles = (oil%def_comp_w)/(oil%def_comp_mw) select case (mw_source) case("experimental") scn_moles = (oil%scn_w)/(oil%scn_mw) plus_moles = (oil%plus_w)/(plus_mw) total_moles = sum(def_comp_moles)+sum(scn_moles)+(plus_moles) scn_z = scn_moles / total_moles plus_z = plus_moles / total_moles log_scn_z = log(scn_z) case("calculated") if (method=="global_mw")then scn_mw = 84 + C*(oil%scn-6) scn_z = oil%product_z_mw_scn / scn_mw sum_def_comp_z_plus = sum(oil%scn_z) + (oil%plus_z) plus_z = sum_def_comp_z_plus - sum(scn_z) ! new molar fraction for residual cut, based on C plus_mw = oil%product_z_mw_plus / plus_z log_scn_z = log(scn_z) end if if (method=="plus_mw")then scn_mw = 84 + C*(oil%scn-6) scn_moles = (oil%scn_w)/(scn_mw) plus_moles = (oil%plus_w)/(plus_mw) total_moles = sum(def_comp_moles)+sum(scn_moles)+(plus_moles) scn_z = scn_moles / total_moles plus_z = plus_moles / total_moles log_scn_z = log(scn_z) endif end select end subroutine select_method subroutine difference_mw_plus(oil,mw_source,method,start,C,difference,plus_mw) !! this subroutine ... implicit none type(FluidData) :: oil logical :: start !character(len=*), intent(in) :: file !! file name character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: method character(len=*), intent(in) :: mw_source integer :: c_max !! output CN at which plus_z is reached, as the summation of single z(i) from the best linear distribution (blr) real(pr), allocatable :: scn_z(:) !! set of corresponding calculated mole fractions of scn cuts integer :: n_init ! minimum carbon number obtained from the best linear regression real(pr), allocatable :: log_scn_z(:) !! logarithm of corresponding mole fractions of scn cuts real(pr) :: C !! C constants which is used in equation \[M = 84-C(i-6)\] real(pr) :: plus_z !! composition of residual fraction from input file real(pr) :: plus_mw !! calculated molecular weight of residual fraction real(pr) :: plus_mw_cal !! calculated molecular weight of residual fraction real(pr), intent(out) :: difference !! real(pr) :: a !! output real variable. Slope of the best regression line. real(pr) :: b !! output real variable. Intercept of the best regression line. real(pr) :: r2 !! output real variable. Square correlation coefficient. real(pr), allocatable :: x_blr(:), y_blr(:) real(pr) :: a_blr, b_blr, a_60, b_60, a_lim, b_lim, half real(pr) :: r2_old,r2_best, a_old, b_old, a_best, b_best, z_sum, z_aux real(pr), dimension(300) :: plus_z_i real(pr), dimension(300) :: product_z_mw_plus_i !real(pr) :: plus_mw real(pr):: sum_z integer :: j, k , k_old, n_best, x_aux, i_0! internal variables integer :: c_max_blr, c_max_lim, c_max_60 integer :: i real(pr), allocatable :: scn_mw(:) !! set to molecular weights calculated by \[M = 84-C(i-6)\] real(pr) :: sum_def_comp_z_plus !! compositions sum from (define component +1) to (plus component) integer, dimension(300) :: carbon_number_plus real(pr) :: denom !oil = data_from_file(file) allocate(scn_z(oil%scn_nc)) allocate(scn_mw(oil%scn_nc)) allocate(log_scn_z(oil%scn_nc)) allocate(x_blr(oil%scn_nc)) allocate(y_blr(oil%scn_nc)) 1 i_0 = oil%scn(oil%scn_nc) call select_method(oil,mw_source,method,C,log_scn_z,plus_z,plus_mw) ! select case call Best_Linear_Regression(oil%scn_nc,oil%scn,log_scn_z,plus_z,a_blr,b_blr,r2, & n_init,c_max_blr) call LimitLine(oil%scn_nc,oil%scn,plus_z,a_blr,b_blr,a_lim,b_lim,c_max_lim,half) call Line_C60_max (oil%scn_nc,oil%scn,plus_z,a_blr,b_blr,half,a_60,b_60,c_max_60) ! add line by oscar. if(a_blr < a_lim)then ! added by oscar 05/12/ elimina por que se agregan las restriccones para C>12 y C<12. a = a_lim b = b_lim else ! this line was removed call Line_C60_max if(a_blr > a_60)then a = a_60 b = b_60 else a = a_blr b = b_blr end if end if sum_z = 0.0_pr i = 0 do while (sum_z<plus_z.and.i<300) i = i+1 plus_z_i(i) = exp(a*(i+i_0)+b) sum_z = sum_z + plus_z_i(i) product_z_mw_plus_i(i) = plus_z_i(i)*(84+C*(i+i_0-6)) carbon_number_plus(i) = i+i_0 end do if (i==300.and.sum_z<plus_z)then if(start) C=C-0.07 if(.not.start) C = C-0.01 go to 1 end if c_max = i+i_0 plus_z_i(i) = plus_z_i(i) - (sum_z-plus_z) ! Adjustment to Zp (z20+) product_z_mw_plus_i(i) = plus_z_i(i)*(84+C*(i+i_0-6)) if (mw_source=="experimental" .and. C>12 .and. C<14 )then !! mayor igual a 12 o menor igual 14. denom = sum((plus_z_i(1:i))*((carbon_number_plus(1:i)-6))) !! denominator of equation to obtain C value directly C = (plus_z*(plus_mw-84))/denom endif plus_mw_cal = sum(product_z_mw_plus_i(1:i))/plus_z difference = plus_mw_cal-plus_mw end subroutine difference_mw_plus subroutine get_C_or_m_plus(oil,mw_source,method,start,C) !! This subroutine... implicit none type(FluidData) :: oil logical :: start !character(len=*), intent(in) :: file !! file name character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: method character(len=*), intent(in) :: mw_source integer :: c_max !! output CN at which plus_z is reached, as the summation of single z(i) from the best linear distribution (blr) real(pr), allocatable :: log_scn_z(:) !! logarithm of corresponding mole fractions of scn cuts real(pr) :: C !! C constants which is used in equation \[M = 84-C(i-6)\] real(pr) :: plus_z !! composition of residual fraction from input file real(pr) :: plus_mw !! calculated molecular weight of residual fraction real(pr) :: difference !! real(pr) :: difference_old, plus_mw_old real(pr) :: C_old real(pr) :: aux !oil = data_from_file(file) select case (mw_source) case("experimental") C = 13.5 Start = .true. plus_mw = oil%plus_mw call difference_mw_plus(oil,mw_source,method,start,C,difference,plus_mw) print*, C, plus_mw case("calculated") if(method == 'global_mw') C=13 if(method == 'plus_mw') C=14 Start = .true. plus_mw = oil%plus_mw call difference_mw_plus(oil,mw_source,method,start,C,difference_old,plus_mw) C_old = C if(method == 'global_mw') C=min(12.8, C-0.07) if(method == 'plus_mw') C=13.5 Start = .false. call difference_mw_plus(oil,mw_source,method,start,C,difference,plus_mw) do while (abs(difference) > 0.1) aux = C C = C - difference*(C-C_old)/(difference-difference_old) C_old = aux difference_old = difference call difference_mw_plus(oil,mw_source,method,start,C,difference,plus_mw) end do print*, C, plus_mw end select if(C>14.or.C<12)then if(C>14) C=14 if(C<12) C=12 Start = .true. plus_mw = oil%plus_mw call difference_mw_plus(oil,mw_source,method,start,C,difference_old,plus_mw) plus_mw_old = plus_mw plus_mw = 0.9*plus_mw Start = .false. call difference_mw_plus(oil,mw_source,method,start,C,difference,plus_mw) do while (abs(difference)>0.00001) aux = plus_mw plus_mw = plus_mw - difference*(plus_mw-plus_mw_old)/(difference-difference_old) plus_mw_old = aux difference_old = difference call difference_mw_plus(oil,mw_source,method,start,C,difference,plus_mw) end do print*, C, plus_mw end if end subroutine get_C_or_m_plus end module pruebas