read_setup Subroutine

public subroutine read_setup(file, def_comp_nc, scn_nc, scn_nc_ps, numbers_ps)

Reads the setup data from input file


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: file

file name

integer, intent(out) :: def_comp_nc

number of defined components being considered in the oil

integer, intent(out) :: scn_nc

number of single cuts being considered in the oil

integer, intent(out) :: scn_nc_ps

CN from which all SCN fractions will be lumped into the specified number of pseudos

integer, intent(out) :: numbers_ps

number of pseudos in which the scn fractions grouped

Called by

proc~~read_setup~~CalledByGraph proc~read_setup read_setup proc~data_from_file data_from_file proc~data_from_file->proc~read_setup proc~mass_fractions mass_fractions proc~data_from_file->proc~mass_fractions proc~read_components read_components proc~data_from_file->proc~read_components proc~read_composition read_composition proc~data_from_file->proc~read_composition proc~read_density read_density proc~data_from_file->proc~read_density proc~read_molecular_weight read_molecular_weight proc~data_from_file->proc~read_molecular_weight proc~mass_fractions->proc~read_setup proc~mass_fractions->proc~read_composition proc~mass_fractions->proc~read_molecular_weight proc~read_components->proc~read_setup proc~read_composition->proc~read_setup proc~read_density->proc~read_setup proc~read_molecular_weight->proc~read_setup proc~characterize characterize proc~characterize->proc~data_from_file


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: funit


Namelist nml_setup


Name Type Default Description
def_comp_nc integer None

number of defined components being considered in the oil

scn_nc integer None

number of single cuts being considered in the oil

scn_nc_ps integer None

CN from which all SCN fractions will be lumped into the specified number of pseudos

numbers_ps integer None

number of pseudos in which the scn fractions grouped